问题: 在 AutoCAD 中将 DWG 文件作为外部参照 (xref) 附着到其他图形后,外部参照将不加载(显示),并且程序可能会无响应。此外,还出现以下故障表现之一: 附件中没有可见的内容。 显示一些外部参照,但缺少某些部分。 外部参照看起来不清楚,几乎不可见。 外部参照管理
show only | search instead for did you mean: this page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. this is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations. autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied...
When using the XCLIP (command) in AutoCAD LT for Mac, only the boundary is created and it does not show the contents of the external reference (Xref). File corruption. Copy the drawing elements to new file (see Optimizing the AutoCAD drawing file: Window
I've tried making path absolute, relative and making xref attach and overlay. Nothing works. Xref does not reload until I manually go into xref tree and click reload. Is there any way to force autocad to look at the file path and obey? thanks. Reply 0 Likes Post Reply ...
在父图形(附着了外部参照的图形)中工作时,恢复在外部参照中创建的图层状态不会正确反映AutoCAD中的更改。例如,所有外部参照图层都可能处于关闭状态。通常,恢复外部参照的图层状态不会对外部参照图层的状态进行正确更改。 原因:外部参照中的图层状态损坏。 解决方案:恢复外...
XP 64-bit does not support VBA. VBA 7.1 is the version of VBA. Available as a separate download. The ActiveX/VBA document has also been updated as well and can be found installed on your local drive at: %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\acad_aag.chm - Developer's Guide ...
Object geometry or text is missing or does not display correctly when opening or viewing a drawing in AutoCAD and DWG TrueView. Also: A Proxy Information window box or AEC objects warning may appear when the file is opened. Squares, rectangles, or wirefr
Though an Xref selected on the External References Palette can show up highlighted in the current graphics area, it does not zoom up to the location where the Xref is located. This made me develop the Show operation so that it’ll both highlight and zoom full screen to the first Xref ...
9) EXPLODE the newly inserted information so it is not a block any longer. 10) Test to see if the file now works correctly. If it does, you can start to add in the Xref's again one by one. Test the file after each insertion. If the problem returns after inserting an Xref, you'...
AutoCAD Express Tools :: XRef In Title Block Into DWG File Mar 23, 2011 I am having trouble with my title block showing up in my plan view. It says it is loaded but it does not show up. View 2 RepliesView Related AutoCAD Express Tools :: MEP Express Tools ...