例如绘图工具条中默认没有多线命令(mline),就要自己添加。 做法如下:视图->工具栏->命令选项卡,选中绘图右侧窗口显示相应命令 这时找到”多线”,点左键把它脱出,若不放到任何已有工具条中,则它以单独工具条出现;否则成为已有工具条一员。这时又发现刚拖出的”多线”命令没有图标!就要为他添加图标。做法如下:...
Measure: Distributes the objects along the path at points equally spaced by the entered distance. Items: Specifies the number of instances to be distributed Divide: Distributes the objects along the path to fill the entered distance. The distance between items is calculated. Between: Specifies ...
DIST 测量两点之间的距离和角度 DIVIDE 将点对象或块沿对象的长度或周长等间隔排列 DONUT 绘制填充的圆和环 DRAGMODE 控制 AutoCAD 显示拖动对象的方式 DRAWORDER 修改图像和其他对象的显示顺序 DSETTINGS 指定捕捉模式、栅格、极坐标和对象捕捉追踪的设置 DSVIEWER 打开“鸟瞰视图”窗口 DVIEW 定义平行投影或透视视图 D...
Boundary Offset: Draw a buffer offset by picking interior point. Break: Create Gap: Breaks linear objects at intersection with user controlled gap size. At Points: Break at picked point, midpoint, or endpoint. + Erase: Break at pick point and erase one part. Divide/Measure: Construct Breakin...
2 Fills the gaps with a chamfered line segment What is TREEDEPTH? Users with HUGE drawings may want to consider changing the value of the TREEDEPTH variable. It controls the AutoCAD Oct-Tree Spatial Index, which specifies the number of times the tree-structured spatial index may divide into ...
ML,*MLINE多(线) SPL,*SPLINE样(条曲线) POL,POLYGON正(多边形) RE,*RETANGLE矩(形) ,IRLE圆() A,*AR圆(弧) DO,*DONUT(圆环) EL,*ELLIPSE椭(圆) REG,REGION面(域) MT,*MTEXT多(行文本〕 T,*MTEXT多(行文本) B,*BLOK块(定义) I,INSERT插(入块) W,*WBLOK定(义块文件) DIV,*DIVIDE等...
The Divide and Measure Commands The Stretch and Lengthen Commands Window, Fence, Lasso, and More Work with Stacked Objects Accessing Data from the Clipboard Just Grip It! Rotate and Scale Objects by Reference Purge and Overkill Associative Arrays Groups Create Boundaries Efficiently Work with...
8. Perpendicular at Fixed Front Line: Divide a front line at a fixed perpendicular to ensure precise plot adjustments. Bug Fixes: 1. Fixed the startup error issue with the latest version of Microsoft Windows 11 24H2 Operating System 2. Optimized the extraction of cross-sections and ...
8. Perpendicular at Fixed Front Line: Divide a front line at a fixed perpendicular to ensure precise plot adjustments. Bug Fixes: 1. Fixed the startup error issue with the latest version of Microsoft Windows 11 24H2 Operating System 2. Optimized the extraction of cross-sections and ...
distance and angle between two points DIV DIVIDE / Creates evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object DJL DIMJOGLINE / Adds or removes a jog line on a linear or aligned dimension DJO DIMJOGGED / Creates jogged dimensions for circles and arcs DL DATA...