When placing a new dimension in a drawing, no text or value are visible in AutoCAD. Other graphical components such as dimension and extension lines are displayed correctly. Text height is to small. Adjust the Text height of the Text appearance in the af
问题: 在图形中放置新尺寸时,AutoCAD 中看不到任何文字或值。其他图形组件,如尺寸线和尺寸界线,均可正确显示。原因:文本高度太小。 解决方案:调整受影响的标注样式中文本外观的文字高度。转到标注样式管理器>功能区>标注“下拉菜单,或使用 DIMSTYLE 命令。选择正在使用的样式,然后...
问题: 在图形中放置新尺寸时,AutoCAD 中看不到任何文字或值。其他图形组件,如尺寸线和尺寸界线,均可正确显示。原因:文本高度太小。 解决方案:调整受影响的标注样式中文本外观的文字高度。转到标注样式管理器>功能区>标注“下拉菜单,或使用 DIMSTYLE 命令。选择正在使用的样式...
我们应该读取DimensionText属性, 如果没有被修改过则应读取Measurement。 没有被修改的标注其DimensionText为空。 if (ObjectId.ObjectClass.IsDerivedFrom(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Dimension))) { var ent = (Dimension)trans.GetObject(ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); Text = ent.DimensionText == "" ? ent.M...
Make sure that the Polar Tracking is showing 90º, type 1, and press Enter. The base is stretched and the dimension was updated to 4”. Next we need to join the elements to create a polyline: Command: PE8 Select polyline or [Multiple]: Select the vertical blue line (measuring 4”)...
About Setting Dimension Text Styles (VBA/ActiveX)Dimension text refers to any kind of text associated with dimensions, including measurements, tolerances (both lateral and geometric), prefixes, suffixes, and textual notes in single-line or paragraph form. You can use the default measurement computed...
New group (tabs) layout [F2696] User maps configuration Supported "dimension" maps (date, time, etc.) [F2658] Supported "axis-inverted" maps [F2658] Added the option to define authentication parameters (user, password, etc.) [F2668] Now the created maps have a unique Identifier [F2697...
within a chunk is applied across all selected dimensions. An editing operation that is performed between chunks is not applied in this manner. For example, if you place the cursor between chunks, and enter text, the text is added only to the dimension that the in-place editor is displayed ...
// record which owns the text entity AcDbDimension *pDim =AcDbDimension::cast (pEnt); if(pDim == NULL) { pEnt->close (); return; } id =pDim->dimBlockId (); pDim->close (); AcDbBlockTableRecord *pr; acdbOpenAcDbObject ((AcDbObject *&) pr, ...
问题: 标注文字显示在AutoCAD图形中的标注线上方,但标注样式显示文字应居中并与标注线对齐。 尺寸标注文字也可能显示在尺寸线下方。 原因: 图形变量DIMTVP(标注文字垂直位置)未设置为其默认值零。 正值将导致标注文字显示在尺寸线上方,而负值将导致标注文字显示在尺寸