问题: 在AutoCAD图形文件中关闭或冻结图层0后,无法选择或编辑放置在Defpoints图层上的对象。 当图层0打开并解冻时,可以选择并再次编辑Defpoints图层上的对象。 注意:在打开并解冻图层0后,可能需要保存、关闭并重新打开图形,才能恢复功能。 原因: 在尺寸界线的端点处
Move objects off the Defpoints layer. If there is a Defpoints layer in the drawing, any objects on that layer will not be plotted. For more information on Defpoints. See BREAKLINE (Express Tool). Check the Shade Plot setting in the plot op...
If you freeze layer 0 then anything placed on Defpoints layer will become partially locked and you will not be able toselect objectson it. On running AUDIT command all objects placed on Defpoints layer will be transferred to a new layer $AUDIT-BAD-LAYER and as a result, objects will remain...
要启用它,请右键单击并选择列标题,然后选择“打印”。 将对象移离 Defpoints 图层。 如果图形中存在 Defpoints 图层,则不会打印该图层上的任何对象。有关 DEFPOINTS 的详细信息。请参见BREAKLINE (Express Tool)。 检查打印选项中的“着色打印”设置并将其从“...
Defpoints layer is somehow linked to Layer 0. When we freeze or thaw layer 0, you can’t modify objects in defpoints layer. You probably know it, but someone who receive your file might not. They might think the file is corrupt or their AutoCAD has bug. ...
Defpoints(1) delay(1) delete(1) descriptions(1) Deselect(1) Design(4) Design Automation(1) Design Centre(1) DESIGN.(1) Designcenter(2) DesignJet 630(1) Desktop(1) detach(2) DGM(1) dgn(1) dgn files(5) diagonal line measurement(1) dialog box(1) Dialog ...
I am working with AutoCAD 2009 with Carlson Survey software addon. When working in paper space with one viewport (on defpoints layer) the viewport border … Importing pc3 plot styles created in 2008 into 2012. I have upgraded to Auto Cad 2012 from 2008 and the plot styles that were working...
Defpoints(1) delay(1) delete(1) descriptions(1) Deselect(1) Design(4) Design Automation(1) Design Centre(1) DESIGN.(1) Designcenter(2) DesignJet 630(1) Desktop(1) detach(2) Detailing & Drafting Advice(1) DGM(1) dgn(1) dgn files(5) diagonal line measurement...
A: when tagging dimensions,AutoCAD automatically generates a DEFPOINTS layer and stores information aboutthe location of the annotation points. The layer is usually frozen. For some reason, thesepoints are sometimes displayed. To delete, you can unfreeze the DEFPOINTS layerfirst and then delete it....
問題: AutoCAD図面ファイルの画層0を非表示またはフリーズした後、Defpoints画層に配置されたオブジェクトを選択または編集することはできません。 画層0がオンでフリーズ解除されている場合、Defpoints画層上のオブジェクトを選択し、編集し直す...