问题: 在 AutoCAD 中,需要将内容从一个图形图层复制到另一个具有相同图层名称的文件。 解决方案: 将特定图层的内容复制到另一个图形的步骤: 在原始图形中,选择要复制的对象(提示:单击鼠标右键 >“隔离对象”或使用“快速选择”)。 单击鼠标右键 >“剪贴板”...
问题: 如何在 AutoCAD Plant 3D 中将 AutoCAD Plant 3D 图形复制或添加到新项目或现有项目中? 解决方案: 执行以下步骤: 打开包含新项目或现有项目的 AutoCAD Plant 3D。 在项目管理器中的“Plant 3D 图形”上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“将图形复制到项目..
Copy to a new drawing - Mac I am able to copy to clipboard and paste elements within the same drawing (Mac), but cannot paste the same elements to a new drawing. Have searched the forum, but have not found a workable explanation. Thanks for any help Report 0 Likes Reply 1...
New 新建 Ctrl+N Undo 还原 Ctrl+Z Open 开旧档 Ctrl+O Redo 取消还原 Ctrl+Y Save 存档 Ctrl+S Cut 剪切 Ctrl+X Export 输出 Exp Copy 拷贝 Ctrl+C、CO、CP Print 打印 Ctrl+P Paste 粘贴 Ctrl+V View Format Redraw 重绘当前视区 R Layer 图层 La, -La Regen 重绘所有图形 Ra Color ...
Solved: I am trying to copy and paste a drawing from one file to another. If I select the objects, ctrl+alt+C and paste it into the same model space,
It is required to copy content from one drawing layer to another file with the same layer name in AutoCAD. To copy the content of a specific layer to another drawing: In the original drawing select the objects to copy (tip: use right-click > Isolate...
NCOPY该命令用于复制在块或外部参照中的嵌套对象,其提示序列是:Command: NCOPYSelect nested objects to copy: 选择需复制的嵌套对象Specify base point or displacement , or Multiple:选择基准点或输入M进行多重拷贝Second point of displacement: 选择第二点2. BTRIM利用该命令,可按所选剪切边界对所选对象进行...
dimension连续标注连续式标注contour lines轮廓线等高线contrast对比度对比contrast对比度对比control (n.)控件控制coordinate filters坐标过滤器座标过滤器coordinate system坐标系座标系统coplanar同一平面的共平面copy副本复制,复本Copy Hyperlink复制超级链接复制超级连结copyclip复制剪贴复制截取copyhist复制历史复制历程copylink复制...
publicstaticvoidCopySpaceToExtDWG() { // get the working database (in AutoCAD) DatabasesourceDb=Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database; try { // create a new destination database using(DatabasedestDb=newDatabase(true,true)) ...
COPY the drawing and PASTE in a new drawing space. By doing so AutoCAD only carries over the needed layers no layer state is carried over. Rebuild only the needed later state. Environment-specific solutions Memory fragmentation may have corrupted the clipboa...