Right-click to exit the Tagging command. Right-click a few times before exiting, if necessary. Convert Text to Attribute Within a Block Click the Conversion Tools tab, Attributes panel, to access any of the linking commands. Select the existing tagged TAG1 block definition. ...
;;; Define the core function that converts a text entity to an attribute definition (defun txt2...
14.3.2 将形转成块(Convert Shape to Block)14.3.3 输出属性信息(Export Attribute Information)14.3.4 输入属性信息(Import Attribute Information)14.3.5 以一个块取代另一个块(Replace Block With Another Block)14.4 文字类14.4.1 分解文字(Explode Text)14.4.2 将Text转换成 Mtext(Convert Text to Mtext)...
[Import Attribute Information]指令:ATTIN 功能:汇入属性值 说明:将图文件中描述图块的特征属性汇入 批注:用ATTOUT汇出txt档,可以修改该txt档后用ATTIN汇入,这样原始图面的属性数据就会自动更新,如果是由其它的图档汇入该txt文件,会因属性无法相互对应而出现错误,需手动点选更新。 [Convert block to xref]指令:BL...
14.3.6 分解属性为文字(Explode Attribute to Text)14.4 文字类14.4.1 远程文字(Remote Text)14.4.2 文字调整(Text Fit)14.4.3 文字屏蔽(Text Mask)14.4.4 解除文字屏蔽(Unmask Text)14.4.5 分解文字(Explode Text)14.4.6 转换文字为多行文字(Convert Text to Mtext)14.4.7 圆弧对齐文字(Arc Aligned Text)...
TTCONV – True Type Font Vectorizer 作業系統: Win64 Converts True Type fonts into user-specified vector outlines or filled hatch while preserving the original text. 0 試用 ManicTime 作業系統: Win64 Sends current file path to local ManicTime installation. 0 免費 ...
Convert Tools: ● 3D to 2D Object● 2D to 3D Object● Arcs to 3DPoly● Pline to Ellipses● Pline to MultiLines● Pline to Splines ● Text to Mtext Stack● Text to Mtext Multiple● Text to Attributes● Text to Attribute Multiple● Ellipses to Plines● Linear to Leader ● Leader to ML...
[Convert Shape to Block] 指令:SHP2BLK 功能:造型转图块说明:将SHAPE 指令插入的造型转换成图块批注:可将性质为造型(SHAPE)的对象转换成图块(造型可用Express 里的MKSHAPE 建立,并以指令SHAPE 插入造型对象),此选项在Modify(修改工具)亦可选取。 [Export Attribute Information] 指令:ATTOUT 功能:汇出属性值说明...
Attribute extraction (ATTEXT) fails to extract constant attributes in dynamic blocks Only last new copy remains in correct location when associative dimension is copied multiple times Blocks and references (XREFs) During drag and drop from Block palette, point's osnap tooltip shows wpf code Internal...
Batch Standards Checker and the ability to use cad standards [STANDARDS, CHECKSTANDARDS] CAD Manager Tools ‘Classic’ dialogs for image, xref, and layers Custom dictionaries Data Extraction Wizard [EATTEXT](Attribute extraction can still be done using –ATTEXT) ...