dimension style families 标注样式族 标注型式家族 dimension style name 标注样式名 标注型式名称 dimension style overrides 标注样式替代 标注型式取代 dimension text 标注文字 标注文字 dimension units 标注单位 标注单位 dimension variables 标注变量 标注变数 dimlinear 线性标注 线性标注 dimordinate 坐标标注 座标式标...
070.Editing dimensions and dimension overrides 03:48 071.Breaking and spacing dimensions 05:32 072.Using Continue and Baseline 04:25 073.Automatic dimensioning 04:21 074.Working with object properties 04:36 075.Changing the line type scale 05:33 076.Using Hide and Isolate 02:32 077...
dimension line arc 尺寸线圆弧 标注线弧 dimension properties 标注特性 标注性质 dimension scale 标注比例 标注比例 dimension style 标注样式 标注型式 dimension style families 标注样式族 标注型式家族 dimension style name 标注样式名 标注型式名称 dimension style overrides 标注样式替代 标注型式取代 dimension text...
Continue继续继续,延续 continuedimension连续标注连续式标注 contourlines轮廓线等高线 contrast对比度对比 contrast对比度对比 control(n.)控件控制 coordinatefilters坐标过滤器座标过滤器 coordinatesystem坐标系座标系统 coplanar同一平面的共平面 copy副本复制,复本 CopyHyperlink复制超级链接复制超级连结 copyclip复制剪贴复制截取...
01 - Editing dimensions and dimension overrides 03:48 02 - Breaking and spacing dimensions 05:32 03 - Using Continue and Baseline 04:25 04 - Automatic dimensioning 04:21 01 - Working with object properties 04:36 02 - Changing the line type scale 05:33 03 - Using Hide and Isola...
容器 容器 Content ExplorerContent Explorer contents Content Explorer Content Explorer contents 内容内容,书目 context 环境 上下文 continuation 依次 连续性 Continue接着 接着,持续 Continue接着 接着,持续 continue dimension连续标注 连续式标注 contour lines轮廓线 等高线 contrast contrast 对比度对比度 control (...
Shortcut: DEL key Tip: The OOPS command restores the last erased objects independently of how many commands were executed after they were erased. Working with grips If you select objects when no command is running, the selected objects display small, solid-filled squares on each vertex node, ...
Nounreferenceddimensionstylesfound. Nounreferencedmlinestylesfound. 方法二:用WBLOCK命令。 把需要传送的图形用WBLOCK命令以块的方式产生新的图形文件,把新生成的图形文件作为传送 或存档用。目前为止,这是笔者发现的最有效的“减肥”方法。现简明例如如下: Command:wblock 在(弹出的对话框中输入文件名及文件存放位置,...
New group (tabs) layout [F2696] User maps configuration Supported "dimension" maps (date, time, etc.) [F2658] Supported "axis-inverted" maps [F2658] Added the option to define authentication parameters (user, password, etc.) [F2668] Now the created maps have a unique Identifier [F2697...