autocad命令快捷键(AutoCAD command shortcut key)AutoCAD shortcut key Shortcut keys to execute command instructions 3A 3DARRAY 3D array 3DO 3DORBIT 3D Dynamic Observer 3F 3DFACE 3D surface 3P 3DPOLY 3D polyline A ARC arc ADC ADCENTER AutoCAD design and Design Center AA AREA area AL ALIGN ...
Click Record Shortcut. Press the keys you want to assign to the command. Note: If the shortcut keys are already assigned to another command, an alert displays indicating which command uses the shortcuts keys. Select one of the following: Add. Add the shortcut key and exit the visor ...
Key in (or Press) the following Shortcut Keys in Autocad 2015 to get the functions (outputs) as described below: Shortcut Keys in Autocad 2015 :General Ctrl+d Dynamic ucs on/off Ctrl+g Grid on/off Ctrl+e Change of isometric planes Ctrl+f Osnap on/off Ctrl+h Picking Style 0/1 Ctrl...
Change or edit shortcut keys is one oftipsto help you todrawfaster. My advice that you shouldmodifythese commands that has less letter shortcut command. For example, I would like to change the shortcut key for theCOPY commandto “C” instead of “CO” and CIRCLE to “CR” instead...
On the right side there are operations and keys next to them so you can see exactly which key does the operation. Step 4: You can change the key shortcuts for your preferences,just be careful not to type already existing one.Here I changed my Save command to CTRL+P,on default is like...
AutoCAD Shortcuts: The Three Keys for Success I’m going to focus on three keyboard keys: the Spacebar, the Shift key, and the Control key (CTRL from here on). Spacebar I’ve already mentioned this one. The spacebar acts as the Enter key in AutoCAD. If you were one of Adam’s ...
To change a shortcut key, right click on the light bulb > reference card > choose a key you want to change > type the command or chain of commands and prompts in the field > save. To change the toggle shortcut, right click on the light bulb > customize > toggle > choose the ...
SHORTCUTENU控制缺省、“编辑”和“命令〃模式的快捷菜单在绘图区域是否可用 SHPNAE设置缺省的形名称 SKETCHING设置SKETCH使用的记录增量 SKPOLY确定SKETCH生成直线还是多段线 SNAPANG为当前视口设置捕捉和栅格的旋转角 SNAPBASE相对于当前UCS设置当前视口中捕捉和栅格的原点 SNAPTSOPAIR控制当前视口的等轴测平面 SNAPODE翻开...
There is common need to change shortcut assigned for Help from F1 to some other key, if you look at keypad layout F1 and ESC keys are adjacent to each other, designers often use ESC to cancel running command, or deselect the objects from selection. As the F1 key is adjacent chances of...
34、 keyShortcut key notes, shortcut keys, commentsA, ARC (painted arc), IN, INTERSECT (intersection)AA AREA (measurement area) L LINE (draw line)AR ARRAY (array) LA LAYER (set up layer)ATT ATTDEF (define attribute) LE QLEADER (quick lead mark)ATE ATTEDIT (edit attribute) LEN LENGTHEN...