问题: 在 AutoCAD 的块编辑器中编辑块内容后,当退出和保存对块所做的更改时,程序开始缓慢运行。 原因: 图形或附着的外部参照中的数据损坏。 AutoCAD 设置中的数据损坏。 图形中存在大量未融入或缺少的外部参照。 图形中存在大量块定义。 大量剪裁的外部参照或块(动态块
问题: 本文介绍了如何在 AutoCAD 中使用在位块编辑器(REFEDIT 命令)。 解决方案: 默认情况下,双击块将打开“特性”对话框或块编辑器。要在位编辑块,请执行以下任一操作: 右键单击块,然后选择“在位编辑块”。 使用命令 REFEDIT 打开所选块的在位块编辑器。编辑后,
問題: AutoCADまたはAutoCAD Electricalで作業する場合、ブロックエディタ環境(BLOCKEDITLOCK)がロックされているか許可されているかにかかわらず、BLOCKEDITORの値は常に0 (ゼロ)で読み取り専用です。 原因: BLOCKEDITORは、ブロックエディタ内にあるかどうかを返すシス...
The Block Editor contains a special authoring area in which you can draw and edit geometry as you would in the drawing area.
When you right-click on a block and select Block Editor, AutoCAD MEP 2018 crashes with a fatal error. Using the BEDIT command to open the block editor does not cause the program to crash. The Edit-in-Place feature still works without issue. The block...
Solved: Hi I would like to ask question on block editor' I'm in the block editor panel and change the colour setting or the height of a text and save
Solved: Just started using version 2016 and found that I cannot explode a block that I inserted inside block editor. I saved the same drawing down to
Service Pack 1 The Visibility drop-down control on the Block Editor Ribbon is not working properly when property preview is enabled.SelectionService Pack 1 Pressing Shift with a window selection fails to remove multiple Drawing Views from the selection set on a layout. Service Pack 2 Grips for ...
(color assigned to object), Normal (colorize based on the normal direction of point) or Intensity (reflectivity value of points). If normal or intensity data was not captured with the scan, those stylizations are disabled. In addition, more clipping tools are displayed on the ribbon to make...
And there is one problem with those who have disabled the AutoCAD Infocenter: it is forced to on by your application (to display messages about the availability of purges) 回覆 Ajilal Vijayan (發佈者) | 四月04, 2016 Oleg, Thanks for the review.I will update the app to support 2017....