automatic dimension(自动尺寸标注) 一种功能,可提供多种选项为二维轮廓进行自动尺寸标注。用作尺寸标注原点的点由您选定。该功能会搜索工件的边并根据选定的标注类型来进行尺寸标注。 background(背景) 三维意义上的一种轮廓,它被其他轮廓或被其他轮廓后方的对象所覆盖。一个背景可能是其他轮廓的前景。
The DIM command automatically creates the dimension type based on the object selected. The command prompt can be used to switch to another dimension type if needed. When a dimension is created so it overlaps another similar dimension a menu gives the option to move, break up, replace the exis...
命令: DIMRAD下拉菜單: Dimension-Radius工具條: Dimension- Radius Dimension 操作格式: Command: DIMRAD Select arc or circle:(選取要標註尺寸的圓弧或圓) Dimension arc line location (Text/Angle): (確定尺寸線的位置) 執行結果: AutoCAD標註出指定的圓或圓弧的半徑,另外,還可以用Text, Angular項確定標註的...
AutoCAD has the command _QDIM, but that seems not to be the same as you'd like to get. But there exist tools, also in the forum for customization like >>>here<<< (or others, just search), so you can get close to your wish. - alfred - ---Alfred NESWADBAISH-Solutions GmbH / ...
command:explode Select block reference, polyline, dimension or mesh: 选择图块,多折线,按单一对象存储: 26 BLOCK --- 生成实体集合 ( 图块 ) 命令 command:block Block name (or?): 块名(或?): Insertion base point: 插入基点: select objects: 选择目标(或实体): 27 WBLOCK --- 写块命令 command...
Dimension (标注工具)………5 Selection tools (选择工具)………6 Modify (修改工具)………7 Draw (绘图工具)………8 File tools (文件工具)………9 Web tools (Web工具)………10 Tools (定制工具)………11 Command Line Only (指令行指令)…13 2007版被Express Tools移除而官方正式支持的指令……15...
TEXTEDITEdits a selected multiline or single-line text object, or the text in a dimension object.Command prompt has been modified and a new Mode option has been added to control whether the command repeats automatically. TXT2MTXTConverts or combines single-line or multiline text objects into ...
5 Dimension (标注工具)………6 Selection tools (选择工具)………7 Modify (修改工具) ………8 Draw (绘图工具) ………9 File tools (文件工具) ………10 Web tools (Web 工具)………11 Tools (定制工具)………12 Command Line Only (指令行指令)…14 2007 版被Express Tools 移除而官方正式支持的...
Centerlines Created with Centerline Command are a different size than those created when creating a leader dimension(1) cer(1) Certificate(1) Certification(3) CERTIFICATIONS(1) CHAINAGE(1) Chamfer(2) chamfers(1) character encoding(1) check in(1) check out(1) Choppy(1) ci...
Parametric Dimension Display Sets the display of parametric dimensions for active part views, multiple part views, and section views. Also hides zero-length parametric dimensions, and arranges dimensions automatically. Automatic Centerlines Defines the display of centerlines in a view automatically. ...