于 2024-10-26 10:40 编辑 cad原来有个官方卸载工具Uninstall Tool ,不知道现在还有没有 ...
不得行的。最终用Easy remove 这个卸载软件解决的(要收费,但有效),不仅适用于CAD出问题,其他的设计,工程绘图等软件也都适用。主要功能就是卸载的很干净,可分部,可整体,我之前残留的2021版CAD组件就是用此删掉的。(后来才知道CAD自带的Uninstall Tool卸载软件好像只适用于2020之前的版本),当然还有其他的功能,我没用...
第二步:卸载并重新安装Autodesk Licensing Service 1、卸载脚本:UninstallAdskLicensingService.sh。 打开终端(“转到”>“实用程序”>“终端”)。 下载好后,解压卸载脚本,复制输入【sh】,然后将脚本拖放到“终端”窗口中。显示为:sh /path/to/UninstallAdskLicensingService.sh 按回车车键执行命令。 注意:终端将要求...
1,开始菜单---Autodesk---Uninstall Tool(此处系统为Win10,CAD版本为2018,Revit版本为2018(已卸载...
图1-9 AutoCAD Mechanical 2020开始界面 图1-10 AutoCAD Mechanical 2020主界面 图1-11 卸载程序 也可通过Windows【开始】菜单中Autodesk自带的卸载工具Uninstall Tool完成AutoCAD Mechanical 2020的卸载,如图1-12所示。 图1-12 Autodesk卸载工具目录 上一章 下一章首页...
uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your ...
To uninstall the app, exit the Autodesk product if it is running, double-click the app installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 8.1/10/11) and uninstall the app from your system as you would ordinarily do for any...
https://knowledge.autodesk.com/zh-hans/support/autocad/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/CHS/Clean-uninstall-of-AutoCAD-or-verticals.html 卸载Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service 用管理员权限运行 cmd 输入以下命名: sc delete AdskLicensingService 或者参考官方文档: https://knowledge.autodesk.com...
For the uninstaller, this is a bit of a kludge since it only uninstalls the main component, not the rest. For me, this is sufficient. The IdentifyingNumber seems to be the same regardless of version number, but to be sure, on a machine with AutoCAD 2023 installed, run the following in...
Conduct a Clean Uninstall of the previous installation & use the Microsoft Troubleshooter Tool to complete it Reboot the computer, make sure apps are not auto running in the background Log in as Administrator Temporarily disable/disconnect security features such as Antivirus, Firewall, VPN & UA...