Get everything you need to know about Industriousness in The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Analysis, related quotes, theme tracking.
Benjamin Franklin Bache, make two copies of his first three parts and sent them to Benjamin Vaughan in England and to his friend Le Veillard in France, asking them for their suggestions and comments. At this point
Benjamin Franklins autobiographyM. Marlène
of the personalities of their authors: the urbane autobiography ofEdward Gibbon, the great historian; the plainspoken, vigorous success story of an American who possessed all talents,Benjamin Franklin; and the introspection of a revolutionary Swiss-born political and social theorist, theConfessionsof...
How are The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and Franklin's Quotes Relevant Today? Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What are Ben Franklin's sayings called? Ben Franklin is known for his sayings, or aphorisms, in which he uses a witty observation to get a point across to the reader...
around the turn of the last century. My mother's parents and six older siblings came from Poland. My father's parents met in New York, she having come from Russia and he from Romania. My parents, both born in 1908, grew up in New York and never lived outside the metropolitan area....
The society, on this, resum'd the consideration of the letters that had been read to them; and the celebrated Dr. Watson drew up a summary account of them, and of all I had afterwards sent to England on the subject, which he accompanied with some praise of the writer. This summary ...