This is a request for an Enhancement: @RabbitListener's are configured to auto start by default. It's possible to disable auto-start but it's an all-or-nothing change via the property: The abi...
@RabbitListener's are configured to auto start by default. It's possible to disable auto-start but it's an all-or-nothing change via the Spring Boot property: The ability to configure on a per @RabbitListener basis whether or not it auto-start...
if ( $teamsConfig -match "openAtLogin`":false") { break } elseif ( $teamsConfig -match "openAtLogin`":true" ) { $teamsConfig = $teamsConfig -replace "`"openAtLogin`":true","`"openAtLogin`":false" } else { $teamsAutoStart = ",`"appPreferenceSettings`":{`"openAtLogin`":false}}...
StartupNotify=false X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=10Enable anydesk unattended remote access via Start anydesk and go to settings -> security Unlock security settings by giving root password In Interactive access - "Always show incoming session requests" Allow ...
Bas ok i found a solution, disable fullscreen, set proper flags and the y value for the window move 1 pixel up. somehow the window was moved 1 pixel down. // fullscreen: truemenuBarVPlayEnabled:falseresolutionChangingWithKeysEnabled:falseshutdownAppWithEscapeKeyEnabled:trueflags:Qt.FramelessWin...
thymeleaf.cache=false debug=true spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.physical-strategy=org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl Main Class: package; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBo...
(): Flow<PagingData<Student>> { val pager = Pager( config = PagingConfig( pageSize = PAGE_SIZE, enablePlaceholders = false, initialLoadSize = PAGE_SIZE ), pagingSourceFactory = { StudentPagingSource(studentDao) } ) return pager.flow } suspend fun saveStudents(vararg ...
A workaround is to disable the prompt using ShowPrompt="false" and go to fully silent upgrades i.e. with background upgrades only. This means that if an update has just been released and the user starts their app, it will be the old version and the next start will ...
We are deploying a classic Winforms .exe via MISX. Approximately 20% of the time, the application does not start automatically after an auto update...
contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sysvinit', 'true', 'false', d)}; then install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/atp2-lib ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/atp2-lib fi install -d ${D}${bindir} install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/atp2-lib ${D}${bin...