Hello, if i set in the UI the IPv6 “Auto-Assign from Range” to an global or and fdXX address this set range will not propagate to the connected device. If i use: ZeroTier RFC4193 (/128 for each device) ZeroTier 6PLAN…
auto p = alloc_vector(); assign_vector(p); print_vector(p); return 0; } #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <string> struct connection { std::string ip; int port; connection(std::string i, int p) : ip(i), port(p) {} }; struct destination { std::string ip;...
Create a new roof type and assign new roof types to existing roof elements. Open the projectRF_Arch_ Roof Types_RVT2021.rvt. It opens in the 3D view. Zoom in on the garage and corridor, and in the Visual Control Bar, change the Visual Style toShaded. ...
std::cout << i << std::endl; } int main() { auto p = alloc_vector(); assign_vector(p); print_vector(p); return 0; } #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <string> struct connection { std::string ip; int port; connection(std::string i, int p) : ip(i), port(...