这种模式其实就如我们上面的例子,即每当执行insert的时候,都会得到一个表级锁(AUTO-INC锁),使得语句中生成的auto_increment为顺序,且在binlog中重放的时候,可以保证master与slive中数据的auto_increment是相同的.但毕竟是表级锁,当在同一时间多个事务中执行insert的时候,对于AUTO-INC锁的争夺会限制并发潜力. 但有些...
这次我们只来讨论和实验AUTO-INC锁。 AUTO-INC锁 概述 AUTO-INC锁是表级锁,如果一张表中有自增的列(例如:idint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,)那么当向这张表插入数据时,InnoDB会先获取这张表的AUTO-INC锁。 如果一个事务正在插入数据到有自增列的表时,其他事务会阻塞等待正在持有AUTO-INC锁的事务释放AUTO-INC...
AUTO-INC锁是一个表级锁,这种锁是作用于语句的而不是事务(即语句执行完了锁就会被释放)。innodb_autoinc_lock_mode用于控制AUTO-INC的锁表逻辑,可能的取值为0,1,2. innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=0 (每次都会产生表锁) 不管是对于simple inserts(insert into values),bulk inserts(insert into select,replace sele...
查看变量名以auto_inc开头的系统变量值,使用( )。——[单选题] A. SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'auto_inc' B. SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'auto_inc%' C. SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%auto_inc' D. SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%auto_inc%' 相关知识点: 试题来源: ...
Curious if anyone else has experienced a deadlock during an LHM migration where, for instance, on a busy table Transaction1 (replace into...) is waiting for Transaction2 (insert into...) with lock mode AUTO-INC and the transactions get r...
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Hmm... the reason probably is that InnoDB's auto-inc counter is only initialized at the INSERT after the DELETE FROM, and thus the counter gets the value 1. It does not take into account that the ROLLBACK will change the situation!