}.grid-container--fit{grid-template-columns:repeat(auto-fit,minmax(100px,1fr)); } 最后的显示效果如下图 在容器宽度是3200px的情况下,auto-fill为了塞入更多的列,列宽度控制在了 100px 左右;而auto-fit则是将现有的五列填满了容器空间。 参考资料:Auto-Sizing Columns in CSS Grid: 'auto-fill' vs ...
A.auto-fit 自动填充网格行,auto-fill 自动调整网格列的宽度B.auto-fill 自动填充网格行,auto-fit 自动调整网格列的宽度C.auto-fit 和auto-fill 的功能相同D.auto-fit 和auto-fill 只能用于固定大小的网格点击查看答案 您可能感兴趣的试卷你可能感兴趣的试题 1.单项选择题在ArkTS 中,如何使用@Entry 注解()?
auto-fit和auto-fill的区别 首先,两者都是按照最小宽度(可以通过width、minmax、或者auto设置)创建尽量多的轨道,如果剩余空间不足一个轨道,两者都会把这部分空间平均分配给每个轨道,如果剩余空间超过一个轨道,那么auto-fill会将空轨道以外的部分平均分配,auto-fit会把所有剩余空间平均分配。 示例 html css .box1,...
droppedVideoFrames:0 totalVideoFrames:0 shouldUseHlsWay:unknown videoWidth:0 videoHeight:0 fragLastKbps:-Kbps playingFragRelUrl:undefined currentLevel:-1 currentFPS:0 [x] auto-fit auto-fill 使用上的区别,提升 CSS 编程能力 4 最近播放2022-11-27 发布 ...
In the first example we use the auto-fill keyword for repeat. We get as many tracks with a minimum of 200 pixels and maximum of 1fr as will fit in the container. In the second example we use the auto-fit keyword for repeat. We get as many tracks with a minimum of 200 pixels and...
* CSS Grid 之列宽自适应:auto-fill vs auto-fit CSS Grid 之列宽自适应:auto-fill vs auto-fit * 根据校对意见修改master (xitu/gold-miner#3291) pot-code authored and leviding committed Feb 20, 2018 1 parent 7abecad commit ca63d76 Showing...
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(10px, 1fr));grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(10px, 1fr));可以清楚的看到,在网格不能填满一行的时候,auto-fit会尽可能的让元素去填满他,也就是说剩余的空间会被分配到每个元素上,而auto-fill还是按照原来的布局,模拟元素可以填满一行的...
auto-fillFILLS the row with as many columns as it can fit. So it creates implicit columns whenever a new column can fit, because it’s trying to FILL the row with as many columns as it can. The newly added columns can and may be empty, but they will still occupy a designated space...
In this article I explain the subtle but important difference between auto-fill and auto-fit for sizing columns in CSS Grid. Each of them exhibits a responsive behavior once compbined with repeat() that you may or may not want for your responsive layout. Read the article on CSS-Tricks ...