Twitter Google Share on Facebook autosexing Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia (ˈɔːtəʊˌsɛksɪŋ) n (Biology) the breeding of birds to reveal specific sexual characteristics Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 19...
王某是甲公司的法定代表人,以甲公司的名义向乙公司发出书面要约,愿以10万元价格出售甲公司的一块清代翡翠。王某在函件发出2小时后意外死亡,乙公司回函表示愿意以该价格购买。甲公司新任法定代表人以王某死亡,且未经董事会同意为由拒绝。关于该要约,下列表述正确的是( )
Kelly Blue Book values the car at $10,905.Which trade in value would I expect from the dealer and why the big difference?Shawn C.Dear Shawn: I really have no idea about how a particular book assigns values to cars that are in such disparate states of repair, geography and overall ...
单击JSON 输入选项卡,复制以下测试数据,并将其粘贴以替换现有 JSON 文本: {"input_data":[{"fields":["age","job","marital","education","default","balance","housing","loan","contact","day","month","duration","campaign","pdays","previous","poutcome"],"values":[[27,"unemployed","marri...
Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values. Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter. 13 ORACLE AUTOVUE USER MANUAL 2 Introduction Oracle...
ModifyQueryInsertValues ModifyQueryUpdate ModifyWorkflow Module ModuleError ModuleFile ModuleInternal ModulePrivate ModuleProtected ModulePublic ModuleSealed ModuleShortcut ModulesWindow MoneyEditor Monitor MonthCalendar Motherboard MoveClass MoveDown MoveEvent MoveField MoveGlyph MoveMethod MoveProperty MoveToFolder ...
ModifyQueryInsertValues ModifyQueryUpdate ModifyWorkflow Module ModuleError ModuleFile ModuleInternal ModulePrivate ModuleProtected ModulePublic ModuleSealed ModuleShortcut ModulesWindow MoneyEditor Monitor MonthCalendar Motherboard MoveClass MoveDown MoveEvent MoveField MoveGlyph MoveMethod MoveProperty MoveToFolder ...
ModifyQueryInsertValues ModifyQueryUpdate ModifyWorkflow Module ModuleError ModuleFile ModuleInternal ModulePrivate ModuleProtected ModulePublic ModuleSealed ModuleShortcut ModulesWindow MoneyEditor Monitor MonthCalendar Motherboard MoveClass MoveDown MoveEvent MoveField MoveGlyph MoveMethod MoveProperty MoveToFolder ...
ModifyQueryInsertValues ModifyQueryUpdate ModifierWorkflow Module ModuleError ModuleFile ModuleInternal ModulePrivate ModuleProtected ModulePublic ModuleSealed ModuleShortcut ModulesWindow MoneyEditor Superviser MonthCalendar Carte mère MoveClass MoveDown MoveEvent MoveField MoveGlyphe MoveMethod MoveProperty MoveTo...
Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values. Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter. 14 ORACLE AUTOVUE USER MANUAL 2 Introduction Oracle...