Nearly 30 years of innovation goes into Auto-Tune Unlimited. The technology that first launched in the late 90s continues to evolve and set new industry standards. Easy and Powerful Advanced software and AI-based tools make the suite incredibly easy to use and effective — while giving you as...
Auto-Tune Evo VST最新版是一款稳定好、实用性能强的电音修复软件,Auto-Tune Evo VST最新版可以纠正人声或独奏乐器的语调和音高问题,而不会造成失真。统一的音高控制界面,把自动窗口和图形窗口合二为一。还可以实时显示并修改。
Auto-Tune Evo VST free download. Get the latest version now. Auto-Tune corrects intonation and timing problems in vocals or solo instruments.
Learn more about Auto-Tune, the music industry standard for pitch correction and vocal effects. Shop and learn about the best plug-ins for pitch correction, vocal effects, voice processing, and noise reduction. Auto-Tune Pro, Auto-Tune Artist, Auto-Tune
Whether used in a subtle way or not, Auto-Tune VST plugins are animportant part of vocal production—they really can take anyone’s vocal part to the next level. There’s a lot of Auto-Tune VSTs on the market today. Depending on your needs and budget you’ll find free plugins you mi...
Auto-Tune Evo VST软件简介 Auto-Tune Evo VST最新版是一款稳定好、实用性能强的电音修复软件,Auto-Tune Evo VST最新版可以纠正人声或独奏乐器的语调和音高问题,而不会造成失真。统一的音高控制界面,把自动窗口和图形窗口合二为一。还可以实时显示并修改。
Auto Tune Evo可以帮助用户将高音进行快速修复,通过调整参数即可实现嗓音建模,从而找到最适合的音高,并且能够一次性处理多条音轨,比较适合在人声演唱或者是乐器独奏的时候使用,有效解决破音及失真等歌唱演奏问题,帮助用户获取到更好的音频效果。 软件功能 更高的核心技术:EVO使用人声处理专利技术,在音高修复方面更先进 ...
Auto-Tune 4终于推出了VST版本,在此之前Windows系统只能运行DX或RTAS插件。 Auto-Tune 自动模式 Auto-Tune 4的新特性:自动模式(上图): 新增虚拟键盘控制音高 新增保持功能,帮助分析音高的错误 可以独立控制音符的事件(消除、旁通) 图形模式下(下图): 更大的音高编辑显示 20级Redo/Undo Auto-Tune 图形模式 ...
Users can pick between two premium options – an affordable monthly/yearly subscription for the “Auto-Tune Unlimited” plan and a single-purchase perpetual license for the “Auto-Tune Pro X” version of the app.Auto-Tune Unlimited - $30/m or $220/yrFree Trial Includes: 22 professional ...
你用Auto Tune可以做的操作,在MAutoPitch里都可以完成,包括将音高修正到你选中的调内,共振峰移调和立体声展宽等处理。处理速度极快,界面简单明了,使用起来也非常简单。 如果你在寻找Auto Tune的免费替代品,MAutoPitch是一个不错的选择。 MAutoPitch支持Windows和MacOS系统,插件格式为VST、VST3、AU和AAX,现可免费...