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"I have sold the 1957 Thunderbird thanks to your ad. It's heading to Phoenix, Arizona." Kacie E. Wed, Apr 03, 2019 "The Ford that I had advertised for some friends of mine has been traded. Thank you for the excellent service throughout the entire time it's been listed, really sta...
Then Lee Chapel, then Karl Orr and then everyone got into the act." In 1923, an enterprising character named George Wight established an auto-wrecking yard at 3633 East Gage Ave. in Bell near southeast Los Angeles. In the twenties half of all the cars on the road were Model T ...
“The permitting process of producing hydrogen takes much longer than storing and pumping it. We spent the last year building the largest hydrogen station in the western world in Phoenix, AZ at our HQ. Now we will spend the next 5 months installing the hydrogen production (Electrolyzers, Power...