expression. InsertAutoText需要expression。 代表 Range 物件的變數。註解如果Word 找到相符的項目,InsertAutoText 就會插入自動圖文集項目,以便取代該文字。 如果 Word 找不到相符的項目,就會發生錯誤。使用Insert 方法搭配 AutoTextEntry 物件來插入特定的自動圖文集專案。
AutoText in Word is the feature that displays helpful tooltips while you are typing text. If you press Enter when you see such a tooltip, Word will accept the suggested completion. For example, if you start typing the word “monday”, by the time you have typed “mond”, Word has a g...
InsertAutoText表达式是必需的。 一个代表 Range 对象的变量。备注如果Word 找到一个匹配项,InsertAutoText 则插入该“自动图文集”词条来替换该文本。 如果 Word 未能找到匹配项,将发生错误。将Insert 方法与 AutoTextEntry 对象一起使用可插入特定的自动图文集条目。
including AutoText, document properties (such as title and author), and fields. These reusable blocks of content are also calledbuilding blocks.AutoTextis a common type of building block that stores text and graphics. You can use theBuilding Blocks Organizerto find or ed...
In Ms Word document, text is auto selected and can't perform any task in word document. Even you can't write up anything or edit already existed text. PS:Microsoft 365 Subscription product Alread... Yes it affect all documents, you can't edit the pre existed word files, also can...
When you create an "AddressLayout" AutoText entry, the "AddressLayout" AutoText is ignored when you click Insert Address in the Envelopes and Labels dialog box. When you click Insert Address in the Envelopes and Labels dialog box, the contact that you s...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll Attempts to match the text in the specified range or the text surrounding the range with an existing AutoText entry name. C# publicvoidInsertAutoText(); Remarks If any such match is found,InsertAutoTextinserts the AutoText entry to replace that text. If a ...
The autotext is stored in the Normal.dotm template for Word, if you need to use the same autotext in a new computer, just replace the Normal.dotm template with your old one, then all the autotext information is transferred. Regards, ...
auto generate chinese words in huge text. Contribute to jannson/wordmaker development by creating an account on GitHub.