必应词典为您提供auto-speechrecognition的释义,网络释义: 自动语音識别;自动话音识别功能;
文档中说audio_in可以输入 wav的bytes数据,我测试了一下,使用这种方式输入,识别的结果完全不对。示例...
speech_paraformer-large-eres2net_large-vad-punc-spk_asr_nat-zh-cn 请问下,通过这个识别的句子,是否支持把音频中没有说话的部分通过空白+时间段占位呢?现在看识别的句子时长和音频文件的总时长是差不多的,音频中有空白的部分被分摊到各个句子的时间段中了。
KeyError: "AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline: 'model_config'" 请问有解决方案吗?谢谢luohao123 commented Jan 12, 2024 Same KeyError: 'funasr-pipeline is not in the pipelines registry group voice-activity-detection. Please make sure the correct version of ModelScope library is used.'Collaborator...
International Conference on Speech and ComputerMarvin Coto-Jimenez, John Goddard, and Fabiola Martinez-Licona, "Improving Automatic Speech Recognition Containing Additive Noise Using Deep Denoising Autoencoders of LSTM Networks," in International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM 2016: Spe...
The rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm, finding applications in personal and professional spheres alike. In the captioning industry, AI can be used in the process of automatic speech recognition (ASR), which converts speech to text. While ASR technology...
6) Statistical Speech Recognition 统计语音识别补充资料:计算机语音处理 计算机语音处理 computer speech processing 使识别率下降,影响了识别系统的使用效果。语音增强技术的目标,在于改进语音质量,消除背景噪声,提高系统识别率。②语音合成是人机交互的另一重要环节,即让计算机“说话”。让机器将文本语言转换成具有人类...
On the other hand, acoustic modeling with Reservoir Computing (RC) did not offer improved clean speech recognition but it leads to good robustness against noise and channel distortions. In this paper, the aim is to establish whether adding feature denoising in the front-end can further improve ...
⾮⾃回归(Non-autoregressive ,NAR)模型并⾏⽣成序列的所有标记,与⾃回归(AR)模型相⽐,⽣成速度更快,但代价是准确性较低。在神经机器翻译(neural machine translation ,NMT)、⾃动语⾳识别(automatic speech recognition ,ASR)和语⾳合成(TTS)等不同的任务中,⼈们提出了包括知识提取和源-...