Balancing. By adding a launch lifecycle hook to your Auto Scaling group, you can ensure that your bootstrap scripts have completed successfully and the applications on the instances are ready to accept traffic before they are registered to the load balancer at the end of the lifecycle hook. ...
- "aws autoscaling complete-lifecycle-action --lifecycle-hook-name {{LIFECYCLEHOOKNAME}} --auto-scaling-group-name {{ASGNAME}} --lifecycle-action-token {{LIFECYCLETOKEN}} --lifecycle-action-result ${HOOKRESULT} --instance-id ${INSTANCEID} --region ${REGION}" 说明: 这段代码在 while 中用...
如果某个 LifecycleHook 挂起结束执行结果为 ABANDON,则其余挂起的 LifecycleHook 会被提前结束掉,ECS 实例从伸缩组中移出,如果某个 LifecycleHook 挂起结束执行结果为 CONTINUE,则其余挂起的 LifecycleHook 继续挂起,直到最后一个 LifecycleHook 挂起结束,伸缩活动恢复执行。
This interface is used to create a lifecycle hook for an AS group. Up to five lifecycle hooks can be created for one AS group.After the creation, when the AS group is res
LifecycleHookSpecification specifies a lifecycle hook for the LifecycleHookSpecificationList property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. A lifecycle hook specifies actions to perform when Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches or terminates instances. For more inf...
验证: 在AWS System Manager界面里, 选择托管实例, 可以成功地看到EC2 Auto Scaling Group里的所有EC2实例。 2. 给EC2 Auto Scaling Group创建一个Terminate的lifecycle Hook, 默认timeout是3600s,可以根据需求调整这个值 3. 在IAM里,创建一个SSM Automation的role ...
Lifecycle hooks enable you to flexibly control addition and removal of ECS instances in AS groups and manage the lifecycle of ECS instances in AS groups. Figure 1 shows t
lifecycle hooks,Auto Scaling:This topic describes the concepts, workflows, scenarios, and limits of lifecycle hooks. A lifecycle hook is a tool that is used to manage the lifecycles of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or e...
A lifecycle hook is a tool that is used to manage the lifecycles of ECS instances or elastic container instances in a scaling group. Overview Procedure In this topic, a CLB instance is used as an example to describe the effects of the lifecycle hook feature on service availability of ...
摘要: AutoScaling 伸缩组实例管理功能全面升级,新上线生命周期挂钩(LifecycleHook)功能,方便用户更加灵活地管理伸缩组内实例。使用生命周期挂钩可以在伸缩组发生伸缩活动时将伸缩活动挂起,执行自定义操作。 使用LifecycleHook 功能,可以更加灵活地管理控制伸缩组内 ECS 实例的生命周期,灵活地控制伸缩组内实例的创建和移出过...