The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from the Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in. To uninstall...
开发者ID:Virtual-Universe,项目名称:Virtual-LibOMV,代码行数:27,代码来源:NetworkTests.cs 示例8: Restart ▲点赞 1▼ //////Restart plex, wait for the specified delay between stop and start//////The amount of time in ms to wait before starting after stopinternalvoidRestart(intdelay){ Stop(...
示例10: Restart ▲点赞 1▼ //////Restart plex, wait for the specified delay between stop and start//////The amount of time in ms to wait before starting after stopinternalvoidRestart(intdelay){ Stop(); State = PlexState.Pending; System.Threading.AutoResetEventautoEvent =newSystem.Thread...
Auto_Symlink是一个自动化工具,专门设计用于管理通过 CloudDrive2/Alist 挂载到本地的网盘。它能够创建软链接,使得像 Emby/Jellyfin/Plex 这样的媒体服务器能够更容易地刮削和读取内容,同时减少对网盘的频繁访问。 主要特性: 实时监控: 需要CloudDrive2的会员功能文件通知,监控指定目录,自动进行必要的更新和管理。
docker run -d \ --name auto_symlink \ -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \ -v /volume1/CloudNAS:/volume1/CloudNAS:rslave \ -v /volume2/Media:/Media \ -v /volume1/docker/auto_symlink/config:/app/config \ -p 8095:8095 \ --user 0:0 \ --restart unless-stopped \ shenxianmq/auto_symlink:la...
docker run -d --name=AutoBangumi -v $HOME/AutoBangumi/config:/app/config -v $HOME/AutoBangumi/data:/app/data -p 7892:7892 -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai -e PUID=$(id -u) -e PGID=$(id -g) -e UMASK=022 --network=bridge --dns= --restart unless-stopped estrellaxd/autobangumi:...
The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from the Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in. To uninstall...
- /mnt/g/animation:/Downloads #下载路径,对应 Windows上目录是 G:\animation networks: - AutoBangumi_network restart: unless-stopped AutoBangumi: image: estrellaxd/auto_bangumi:latest container_name: AutoBangumi ports: - 7892:7892 depends_on: - qbittorrent volumes: - ./config:/app/config - ....
Plex-Earth consists of 5 parts. 1. Georeferencing 2. Importing Imagery 3. Importing Terrain 4. Historical Imagery (Timeviews - monitor an area or project over time) 5. Google Earth Visualization For additional information and getting-started tutorials, please visit
On a system restart, each PTS record in the table shall be marked as unavailable until a KA message is detected from the corresponding community member. Community members that have not been re-detected in the community will be removed from the configuration table, as will be described herein ...