%SWITCH_QOS_TB-5-TRUST_DEVICE_DETECTED: cisco-phone detected on port Gi1/0/1, port configured trust state is now operational. 附註: 1. AutoQoS使用條件信任模型,該模型將介面配置為動態接受來自滿足特定條件(如成功的思科發現協定協商)的終端的標籤。 2. 無法為支援影片的IP電話配置命令auto q...
trust device cisco-phone auto qos voip cisco-phone service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-CiscoPhone-Input-Policy service-policy output AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy end 请注意,已配置输入和输出AutoQoS策略。 要验证并更详细地查看模板策略,请使用show policy-map命令。
如果你在配置完毕AutoQoS后又修改了带宽声明,你必须重新运行AutoQoS。 还有,记住你不能在全局配置模式(Global Configuration Mode)中对AutoQoS进行配置——你应在接口配置模式(Interface Configuration Mode)中进行。现在,让我们来看 一个事例,如何为VoIP配置AutoQoS。 配置AutoQoS 配置AutoQoS的过程很简单——困难的是...
λ 当在端口上输入 auto qos voip cisco-softphone 接口配置命令时(此端口在连接到运行 Cisco 软件电话设备的网络边界上),交换机策略数据包,并且指定数据包的行为。 λ 当在端口上输入 auto qos voip trust 接口配置命令时(此端口连接到网络的内部),交换机信 任 CoS 无路由端口或路由端口的 DSCP 的值。 2....
We are setting up Cisco VoIP, and while all of our LAN switches have the proper Auto QoS statements ("auto qos voip cisco-phone" on access ports, and "auto qos voip trust" on trunk ports, including the ports connecting to the router), it does not appear that any of these sett...
class AutoQoS-VoIP-Control-Trust set dscp cs3 police 32000 8000 exceed-action policed-dscp-transmit interface FastEthernet1/0/1 switchport access vlan X service-policy input AutoQoS-Police-SoftPhone srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20 srr-queue bandwidth shape 10 0 0 0 auto qos voip cisco...
Active Adv Age: 00h05m38s Tag: 0 Priority: medium Label: NULL QoSInfo: 0x0 IndirectID: 0x0 RelayNextHop: Interface: Vlanif20 TunnelID: 0x0 Flags: D BkNextHop: BkInterface: Vlanif10 BkLabel: NULL SecTunnelID: 0x0 BkPETunnelID: 0x0 BkPESecTunnelID: 0x0 BkI...
AutoQoS QoS Mechanisms Enabled Must Meet Major Enterprise QoS Requirements • Trust boundary definition • Identification of applications, protocols of interest (number of classes), and their QoS requirements • Determination of classification options ...
Impact of Background Traffic on VoIP QoS Parameters in GPON Upstream Link // Electronics and Electrical Engineering. - Kaunas: Technologija, 2011. - No. 1(104). - P. 111-114.I. Bridova, M. Vaculik, and P. Brida, "Impact of Background Traffic o...
当在端口上输入auto qos voip trust接口配置命令时(此端口连接到网络的内部),交换机信任CoS无路由端口或路由端口的DSCP的值。 2.Auto-QoS注意事项 在配置Auto-QoS时,应当注意以下几个方面的问题: 在CiscoIOS Release 12.2(20)SE及以前版本,Auto-QoS只在Cisco IP电话的交换机端口上配置VoIP。