Auto-Ordnance由退休陆军上校John T. Thompson(著名的汤普森冲锋枪发明者)于1916年创立,已经生产枪支超过一个世纪。他们与Outlaw Ordnance合作推出的GI 1911 Winged Warriors Black Sheep手枪已成为这个时代最令人向往的预装定制1911手枪之一,这款枪将吸引枪支爱好者和历史爱好者的关注。 不仅外观精美,Black Sheep 1911也是...
Auto-Ordnance WWII 1911A1.(Out Of The Box)Gardner, Jim
Table 2 - AutocarWorld War Two Half-tracks Accepted by Detroit Ordnance, US Army The information below comes from "Summary Report of Acceptances, Tank-Automotive Material, 1940-1945" Published by Army Services Forces, Office, Chief of Ordnance-Detroit, Production Division, Requirements and Progress...
This cartridge was developed by John Browning and was adopted by the United States Ordnance Department along with the Colt-Browning automatic pistol in 1911. It has also been made the official military handgun chambering by several other governments, notably Argentina, Mexico and Norway. The 45 Au...
This cartridge was developed by John Browning and was adopted by the United States Ordnance Department along with the Colt-Browning automatic pistol in 1911. It has also been made the official military handgun chambering by several other governments, notably Argentina, Mexico and Norway. The 45 Au...