AutoHotkey中文版是AutoHotkey中文社区“zj1d”在AutoHotkey v2版本上进行中英文适配而来,更多适合中文用户的功能和习惯正在积极完善和筹备中,敬请期待! 如果您有好的建议可以在评论区留言! 下面先放出目前中英文功能对照表: #头指令 关键字 (看起来有些内置函数乱入到了这里 (他确实就是在这里按关键字判断的函数 ...
hotkeys(1) House(1) how to fix it(1) how to save(1) HP plotter issues(2) hvac(1) hybrid(1) Hyperlinks(2) I(1) I7(1) Idea(1) Idea Board(1) Idea sorting(1) Ideas(1) IdeaStations(3) idw(1) ifc(1) IFC Export(1) IFC files(1) image(1) ...
Work faster and more efficiently by using theAutoCADshortcuts below. You can find a downloadable list of shortcuts and commands in theAutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts PDF. Jump to a section One-Key Shortcuts|Toggles and Screen Management Hot Keys:A-C|D-F|G-I|J-L|M-O|P-R|S-U|V-X|Y-Z...
key binds(1) key columns(1) key mapping(1) keyboard(2) KHS(1) Knowledge Articles(1) knurling(1) Konfigurators(1) Konstruieren(1) Konstruktion(1) KS(1) Label(4) ladder(1) lag(2) language(2) Laptop Spec(2) large assembly(2) large file size(1) Large ...
Learn Mac AutoCAD hotkeys and commands with the AutoCAD for MAC Shortcut Keyboard guide to help you work faster and be more efficient while using AutoCAD software.
Auto Clicker lets you use thescroll buttonas a shortcut by scrolling up or down. The spacebar can be a hotkey. Your volume buttons can trigger the clicking. You can make essentially every key on your keyboard ashortcut. A dropdown menu at the bottom of the window lets you decide where...
I happen to have used the Tt Challenger Pro keyboard in the past, and the volume keys worked flawlessly in every game, so it's indeed a weird problem. I would suggest the same thing sneekypeet suggested, using the keyboard software and assign this function to a hotkey, but you said th...
(唤起配置菜单, 按 START + 方块 键, 可在 Settings -> Hotkeys 修改此组合键操作)" CHINESE_S["INSTALLP_DESC_REVITA_GYRO"] = "添加陀螺仪支持 ?" CHINESE_S["INSTALLP_DESC_UDCDUVC"] = "使用 USB 线缆将 Vita 屏显内容流式传输到电脑 (官方版本)" CHINESE_S["INSTALLP_DESC_UDCDUVCO"] = "...
#第二种方法 import pyautogui import time pyautogui.hotkey("win","d") time.sleep(1),100)) #让x=(),序列化x也能进行点击操作,这种只针对x;y不能使用这种方法,会报错。 #第三种方法"gg.PNG",duration=0.1,clicks=2) #预先截图,点击两次;只针对x...
7,245 Unique DLs 239,427 Total DLs 533,081 Total views 901,723 Version 3.7.2 Download: Manual Last updated 15 December 20241:36AM Original upload 22 September 20225:11PM Created by keanuWheeze idea and initial coding - anygoodname expansion and additional coding ...