Average auto insurance rates by age and gender When you get a car insurance quote, your insurance company uses multiple criteria to assess your level of risk and calculate your rate. Age and gender are just two of those factors. In addition,the state you live in, your driving record, credi...
State Farm Average Annual Auto Insurance Rates by Age and Gender Driver Gender and AgeAverage Annual Rates Single 17-Year-Old Male $7,324.34 Single 17-Year-Old Female $5,953.88 Single 25-Year-Old Male $2,554.56 Single 25-Year-Old Female $2,335.96 Married 35-Year-Old Male $2,081.72 ...
Geico Average Annual Auto Insurance Rates by Age and Gender Driver Age and GenderAverage Annual Rates Single 17-year-old male $6,278.96 Single 17-year-old female $5,653.55 Single 25-year-old male $2,262.87 Single 25-year-old female $2,378.89 Married 35-year-old male $2,312.38 Married...
like your credit score.Some auto insurance companies don’t check credit scores, though. A driver’sagealready presents a drastic influence, but both genders do not get the same rates. This is why you will see differences in the average car insurance rates by age and gender. ...
Age and gender are two factors that you cannot change, but they are still factors that can work for or against you. Statistics show that younger males and older males are more likely to get into an accident than females in their same age group. This is a group rating factor that you ca...
We present three possible theories to explain differences in payouts associated with gender and age: variations in risk attitudes; variations in negotiating costs; and discrimination. Results of empirical testing are consistent with differences in settlement amounts, particularly with respect to gender. ...
Buy Cheap Westminster, CA Auto Insurance by Age, Gender, and Marital Status Do age, gender, and marital status affect Westminster, California auto insurance rates? Find out how car insurance rates in Westminster, CA are impacted by demographics. Annual Auto Insurance Rates by Age, Gender, and ...
Average Monthly Car Insurance Rates by Age & Gender in NHLived experience: It’s taught us the greatest lessons—don’t mess with a wasp nest, put the toilet paper on top of the box in a move, keep our legs under the covers at night....
Why Is My Car Insurance So High? Best Car Insurance Companies Does a Speeding Ticket Affect Your Insurance? Cheapest Cars to Insure Car Insurance Rates by Age and Gender Finding cheaper auto insurance How to Clear Your Driving Record to Save on Car Insurance If your driving record is shaky, ...
Average Monthly Car Insurance Rates by Age & Gender in CTYou’ve heard it before: male drivers get charged more for car insurance than their female counterparts.But the truth is, that’s not always the case! In fact, a 2017 study conducted by the Consumer Federation of America found that...