Your policy declarations page is just the tip of the iceberg. To truly understand your insurance policy, read it from start to finish and ask your agent any questions you have. One of the things insurance agents do is explain policies, so don’t be afraid to ask questions, even those who...
Pennsylvania law requires drivers to keep proof of insurance in the vehicle while driving. This can be a printed insurance card, policy declaration page, insurance binder, or signed letter from your insurance company. During a traffic stop, you will have to show the officer this proof. Your in...
Il semble s'agir d'une variante du cookie _gat qui est utilisé pour limiter la quantité de données enregistrées par Google sur les sites Web à fort trafic./This is a template type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the template element on the name contains the unique identity ...
商检费:commodity inspection fee 商检换单费:exchange fee for CIP 商检服务费:service charge for inspection 海关查验费:customs inspection fee 海关查验服务费:sevice charge for customs inspection 海关加封费:customs seal fee 过磅费:ponderation fee 海关拆封费:seal fee 卡口确认费:gate charge 仓储费:storage...