COVID-19CARBOHYDRATE metabolismGENETIC mutationGUT microbiomeGASTROINTESTINAL diseasesNON-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseALCOHOLIC intoxicationRISK assessmentAuto-brewery syndrome (ABS) is a rare medical condition, wherein gut microbiota ferment carbohydrates to alcohol. Risk factors for ABS include diets high in...
Thanks to COVID-19, we are all living in unprecedented times. As more people find themselves without employment and struggling to make ends meet,insurers are announcing relief measures to assist Canadianswho may be finding it difficult to cover theirauto insuranceorhome i...
CAIRO, April 8 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian automobile sales have seen declining amid the COVID-19 outbreak in the country, said Osama Aboul-Magd, head of the Egyptian Automotive Dealers Association (EADA). "People are worried because of the pandemic. They focus more on buying food stuff, sanitizer...
Auto Insurance Customer Satisfaction Stalls Despite $18 Billion in Premium Relief, J.D. Power Finds. J.D. Power. (2021, Jun 15). Monitoring Availability and Affordability of Auto Insurance; Assessing Potential Evolution...
Covid19 Data Processing Data source is John Hopkins CSSE Python code to convert wide format to long format and sanitize the data Inputs are three files: confimred, deaths, and recovered Ouput four files: covid19-confirmed-<date>.csv covid19-deaths-<date>.csv covid19-recovered-<date>...
Dutch Auto Market grew 2.6% in 2024, reaching 381,166 units. Though still below pre-COVID levels, the recovery was supported by the EV segment steady expansion, up 27.6% compared to prior year. Kia retained its lead, though Volvo's rapid rise brought it
Co. Ltd in Shanghai, east China, April 29, 2022. A total of 251 automakers and auto parts and components enterprises were included in the first batch of 666 companies on the city's "white list" designed to support firms to resume production amid COVID-19 control. (Xinhua/Zhang Jiansong...
Does insurance cover COVID testing? We break down health insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss your coverage options. Money management strategies for the self-employed Working for yourself and managing money can be challenging. Create money management strategies to help your business thri...
In [28], the authors used Borderline-SMOTE on imbalanced medical data of lung cancer metastasis to the brain, collected from National Health Insurance Research Database, Taiwan. The imbalance of the medical datasets has been ensured to have a very discernible consistency. Another such disproportion...
Does insurance cover COVID testing? We break down health insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss your coverage options. View More Articles Social Media Social Media Skip to end of Facebook feed Skip to beginning of Facebook feed ...