Thanks toJonathan, I have set it, but it does not take any effect. The snapshot is below: I am using Notepad++ version 5.1.3. Add a comment For those who use Notepad++ v6.8.1 and later, the auto-indent setting now is placed in menuSettings→Preferences→MISC.→Auto Indent. Tidy2....
[Re-Indent HTML Source] indent: yes indent-spaces: 2and it’s done. by running this rule under Notepad++, the html source will be re-indented to tag-view-friendly indention for me to check the layout and debug.pretty nice editor, Notepadd++, and pretty nice plug-in, the...
For Notepad++ x64: C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins Download Releases page Why Many projects have differnet coding style requirements, some use tabs other prefer spaces. And there is this holy war of tabs or spaces. I first discovered this function in Geany editor: detecting-indent-type ...
Check/uncheck this setting: Settings\Preferences\MISC.\Auto-indent
Type: Bug editor.autoIndent = keep editor.trimAutoWhitespace = yes Language: C Indent with tabs tab size = 8 Start state: Cursor at the end of a line: [tab][tab]int x; All scenarios refer to start state. Scenario 1: press enter-enter Cur...
Is there a way to indent here-strings? Is there a way to paste HTML into Word and have it rendered? Is there a way to set Target Type when creating a shortcut to network folder? Is there a way to write a PSObject in a file/to disk? Is there any command can replace the CMD c...
How to indent my code How to insert ,update,delete a record in sql database using textboxs in visual basic how to insert a text into tablelayoutpanel cells with out using any controls.. how to insert combobox or listbox in a messagebox How to insert data into sql table using...
indent-rainbow 可以让你的代码有很漂亮的缩进,看起来是真的很美观,对写Python的童鞋很有用处。 07 open in browser 写前端网页的是时候,最烦的就是写完代码要回来文件夹打开网页,有了这个插件,直接右键open in browser 打开浏览器,是不是方便多了。 vscode的插件真的炒鸡方便,极力推荐大家安利这款开发软件,用熟...
oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "3.2", 0, "ahk_class Notepad") Try oAcc.accDoDefaultAction() ; 单击目标控件 return F7:: ; 系统自带记事本 - 获取ACC信息(控件) ControlGet, hCtl1, hWnd,, Edit1, ahk_class Notepad ControlGet, hCtl2, hWnd,, msctls_statusbar321, ahk_class Notepad MsgBox ...
我发现Notepad ++的自动缩进风格有些奇怪:当我在已缩进的行上键入时,我确实希望按Enter键后它会正确缩进下一行。但是,当我在一个空行(没有缩进,没有字符)上按Enter时,它仍然会缩进下一行...Notepad++: disable auto-indent after empty lines