1 新建表,添加id字段 2 phpmyadmin设置id自增(AUTO_INCREMENT) 在A_I 前面打勾:如图AUTO_INCREMENT =A_I 3 查看效果
phpmyadmin设置id自增(AUTO_INCREMENT) 在A_I 前面打勾:如图 AUTO_INCREMENT =A_I 查看效果
1 PHPMyAdmin - Missing value in the form 2 Reverse auto_increment id existing column in phpMyAdmin 0 Cannot use phpmyadmin in XAMPP 2 Display phpmyadmin export templates 0 phpmyadmin is no longer letting me set auto_increment value 0 AUTO_INCREMENT Bug in MySQL Hot Network Questions C...
I need to auto_increment a field in MySQL that is not, Change your current primary key to be a unique key instead: ALTER TABLE table DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD UNIQUE KEY (username,date); The auto_increment will function normally after that without any problems. You should also place a unique...
转到SQL选项卡并手动编写不带id列(SELECT name, address, ... FROM your_table)的select查询。然后,...
ALTER TABLE user AUTO_INCREMENT = 200; Now MySQL auto-increment column value is reseted and starts with 200, next is 201 etc. You can use some graphical tools to do the same like PHPMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench as well. Do you have any question? Ask me in comments....
在SQL中,可以使用AUTO_INCREMENT关键字来设置自增列的初始值。AUTO_INCREMENT是MySQL中的一个特性,用于自动为列生成唯一的递增值。 要在SQL中设置auto_increment的初始值,可以使用以下步骤: 创建表时指定auto_increment列:在创建表时,可以为某一列指定AUTO_INCREMENT属性。例如,创建一个名为users的表,其中包含一个自...
My SQL knowledge isn't amazing but is there anyway to refresh or update this count with a query (or a setting in the phpMyAdmin interface)? This table will relate to others in a database. Given all the advice, I have decided to ignore this 'problem'. I will simply delete and add re...
auto_increment in mysqldumpPosted by: Lay András Date: September 10, 2004 06:23AM How can I tell mysqldump to include auto_increment value in a dump file? mysql command can import dump files, which contains auto_increment value (created by phpMyAdmin), and recognise it....
Here is the definition of the table in phpMyAdmin: Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra id int(11) no None AUTO_INCREMENT title varchar(160) latin1_swedish_ci Yes NULL summary text latin1_swedish_ci No None And this is the error that is returned from mysql_error() ...