Recent, rapid advances in deep generative models for protein design have focused on small proteins with lots of data. Such models perform poorly on large proteins with limited natural sequences, for instance, the capsid protein of adenoviruses and adeno-associated virus, which are common delivery ...
📚 OPRO for adding past text instructions along with its accuracy in the text optimizer. 📚 PyTorch Lightning for the AdalComponent and Trainer. Citation @software{Yin2024AdalFlow, author = {Li Yin}, title = {{AdalFlow: The Library for Large Language Model (LLM) Applications}}, month ...
Finally, a few comprehensive table summarizing the methods, codes, and datasets as well as a citation map is presented for a better understanding of the VAEs applied to 3D data. The structure of the analyzed papers follows a taxonomy, which differentiates the algorithms according to their ...
In addition, we explore the use of Variational Encoders and Convolution Variational Encoders as alternative generator functions. MGATN is defined as gf(X,~X):[X;~X]→^Xgf(X,X~):[X;X~]→X^, where X is an input multivariate time series, ~XX~ is the gradient information for each ...
self.citationController = CitationController( citationController = CitationController( stylesController: controllers.translatorsAndStylesController, fileStorage: controllers.fileStorage, dbStorage: dbStorage, bundledDataStorage: controllers.bundledDataStorage ) self.translatorsAndStylesController = controllers.translators...
Quick Access Recorders (QARs) provide an important data source for Flight Operation Quality Assurance (FOQA) and flight safety. It is generally characterized by large volume, high-dimensionality and high frequency, and these features result in extreme co
For a particular leakage scenario, the hydrogen concentration contour maps of the typical plane in this scenario obtained from Fluent simulation are used as training samples and fed into the GAN, which has a generator to generate images based on random noise, and a discriminator to determine ...
Zero-shot learning aims to transfer the model of labeled seen classes in the source domain to the disjoint unseen classes without annotations in the target domain. Most existing approaches generally consider directly adopting the visual-semantic projection function learned in the source domain to the ...
3290 Accesses 8 Citations 3 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Background Recently, DNA methylation has drawn great attention due to its strong correlation with abnormal gene activities and informative representation of the cancer status. As a number of studies focus on DNA methylation signatures in ...
TrainLabelFreqLevel = False, featureeval = False, traindata = False, noise_augment = 0, driftreport = False, inversion = False, returnedsets = True, shuffletrain = False, entropy_seeds = False, random_generator = False, sampling_dict = False, randomseed = False, encrypt_key = False, ...