该工厂预计占地1,290万平方英尺,将成为加拿大最大的工厂,年产能可达90GWh,足以为大约100万辆电动汽车提供电池。 三星SDI:美国印第安纳州科科莫(Kokomo, Ind.) 今年5月,Stellantis和三星SDI宣布将在美国印第安纳州建立一家电池合资工厂,以支持Stellantis的电动汽车生产计划。该工厂的投资额为25亿美元,将位于Stellantis印...
Senate Candidate: Auto Bailout Saved Towns GOP Ties Democrat to Obama, Federal StimulusKOKOMO, Ind. - Talking with small groups of potential voters in Indiana diners and coffee shops,...Bradner, Eric
General Motors is converting its Kokomo, Ind., plant to produce ventilators with Ventec Life Systems to help the health care industry battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Author By: Hannah Lutz March 30, 2020 12:00 PM Automakers are raiding their parts bins to help save lives during the ...
Chip makers caught up in frenzied markets like cell phones and Internet appliances don't pay much mind to supplying automakers' needs, said Owens, the general director of engineering at Delphi Automotive's Delco Electronic Systems (Kokomo, Ind.). And the automakers themselves are often less than...