Auto import component does not work anymore typing < and pressing ctrl+space 👍 4 simonknittel commented Dec 30, 2022 • edited I noticed the same. I figured out that the last working version of the VSCode extension is 1.0.8. The auto import of components broke with 1.0.9. I ...
Nuxt Version:3-3.0.0-27237089.3e38eb8 Package Manager:npm Bundler:Webpack User Config:target,srcDir,css,plugins,components,build Runtime Modules:- Build Modules:- Describe the bug Not sure if it's a breaking change or only currently not implemented. In my projects I configure auto-import lik...
当前应用未配置Appid,无法使用uni统计,详情参考:\Workspace\vscode\user_uniapp\node_modules\@dcloudio\vue-cli-plugin-uni\lib\env.js:318initAutoImportComponents(pagesJsonObj.easycom)^TypeError: initAutoImportComponents is not afunctionat Object.<anonymous> (...
consttext= `import${}from'${obj.path.substring(obj.path.indexOf('src'))}'` editBuilder.insert(newvscode.Position(scriptline +1,0),text+ os.EOL); // 寻找components字符所在行 let componentsLine = getLineNumber('components');if(componentsLine !==-1) { letold= document.lineAt(co...
Auto Import Components Vue 3 Vite Non-commercial Sign inGet started Open in | AI Project Info juanwmedia Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast! 1.9K views41 forks Files .vscode public src _gitignore index.html package-lock.json ...
当使用unplugin-vue-components和unplugin-auto-import这两个Vue插件时,它们可以极大地提升开发效率,通过自动导入Vue组件和自动引入需要的库(如Vue 3 Composition API)来减少手动导入的工作量。下面我将分点介绍这两个插件的基本使用方法和配置方式。 1. unplugin-vue-components unplugin-vue-components是一个Vue插件...
uni-app项目 npm run dev 启动项目时候报错:initAutoImportComponents is not a function
{ App }from'@vue/runtime-core'/*** 按需导入 Element Plus 组件* Vite 插件*@paramapp {App}*/exportdefaultfunctionstyleImport(app: App<any>){constcomponents = [ElLoading, ElMessage, ElMessageBox]components.forEach((v) =>{app.use(v)})//...
1 个回答 灵芝 2020-01-10 你好,usingAutoImportComponents 是在哪里看到的?小程序的配置项请参考文档说明: 有用 回复 请登录 后发表内容 问题标签 component框架接口自定义组件小程序开发框架 ...
If you useVite, you can use this package to auto import components for you so that you needn't manually import components from Chakra UI Vue that you want to consume. This package depends on theunplugin-vue-componentsto help resolve components from the template.@chakra-ui/vue-auto-importexpo...