screenWidth, screenHeight=pyautogui.size()# 屏幕尺寸mouseX, mouseY=pyautogui.position()# 返回当前鼠标位置,注意坐标系统中左上方是(0, 0) 为了保持用户可以随时干预鼠标键盘的动作,比较好的方法是添加停顿,或者强制结束,否则想停了鼠标还一直在晃就会失控,下面是两种对应的设置 pyautogui.PAUSE=1.5# 每个...
typewrite([key1,key2,key3])键入给定键字符串。 press(key)按下并释放给定键。 keyDown(key)模拟按下给定键。 keyUp(key)模拟释放给定键。 hotkey([key1,key2,key3])模拟按顺序按下给定键字符串,然后以相反的顺序释放。 screenshot() 返回屏幕快照的 Image 对象(参见第 17 章关于 Image 对象的信息)。
import pyautoguiwith pyautogui.hold('shift'):['left','left','left']) 热键hotkey()函数 hotkey()可以传递多个按键字符串,这些按键字符串将按顺序按下,然后按相反的顺序释放。 import pyautoguipyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'shift', 'esc)# 相当于以下代码# pyautogui.keyDown('ct...
keyDown(key)模拟按下给定键。 keyUp(key)模拟释放给定键。 hotkey([key1,key2,key3])模拟按顺序按下给定键字符串,然后以相反的顺序释放。 screenshot() 返回屏幕快照的 Image 对象(参见第 17 章关于 Image 对象的信息)。 --- 代码部分: import os import time import pyautogui as pag try: while Tr...
GetPos, x1, y1, w, h, % key x := x0 + x1 y := y0 + y1 ; MouseMove, %x%, %y% if (w <= pointsize && h <= pointsize) { Gui, Hide str := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 1, 1) if (str = "!") MouseClick, R, %x%, %y% else if(str = "+") MouseClick, L, %x%, %y%...
The software comes with hotkey functionality and can be used as a macro recorder. The feature to save the recorded macro as a CSV file is also there. That file includes the X position, Y position, middle mouse button, left mouse button, and right mouse button data. You can delete entrie...
Click on the Link earlier in this paragraph to find more about the Mouse Automation Software utility to automatically move mouse and simulate mouse clicks. You can also try out Hot Key Controllable, Auto Clicker Software Utility for clicking wherever your mouse cursor is and start / stop ...
AutoHotkey中文版是AutoHotkey中文社区“zj1d”在AutoHotkey v2版本上进行中英文适配而来,更多适合中文用户的功能和习惯正在积极完善和筹备中,敬请期待! 如果您有好的建议可以在评论区留言! 下面先放出目前中英文功能对照表: #头指令 关键字 (看起来有些内置函数乱入到了这里 (他确实就是在这里按关键字判断的函数 ...
Automatic Mouse and Keyboard is a really powerful and easy-to-use Mouse and Keyboard automation tool. It makes your mouse move and click automatically on locations that you defined. It can use a small picture to locate a point on the screen, which makes it very flexible. Regardless of ...