既然是模拟用户操作,自然就包括了模拟鼠标点击在内。 适用命令/函数:Click/MouseClick/ControlClick 其中Click/MouseClick用来模拟用户的物理操作(点击),把鼠标点击事件发送到指定坐标 位置(相对当前窗口或绝对位置)上,但这种方法并不能保证100%的准确性,屏幕分辨率、 用户干扰和系统环境等都会影响到它们的执行结果,而Con...
Choose between which mouse button to click as Pick between single clicking, double clicking or triple clicking Change the hotkeys Convenient - Hotkeys work while application is in background Settings are saved (includes last fixed location) Free and Open Source Clean User Interface Low CPU usage...
mouse.click(Button.left, 2) #双击 mouse.click(Button.left, 2) ##按下右键 mouse.press(Button.right) ##释放右键 mouse.release(Button.right) #鼠标坐标 print(mouse.position) ##x轴坐标 print(mouse.position[0]) ##y轴坐标 print(mouse.position[1]) #移动 ##移动到绝对坐标 mouse.position = ...
Automatic Mouse and Keyboard is a really powerful and easy-to-use Mouse and Keyboard automation tool. It makes your mouse move and click automatically on locations that you defined. It can use a small picture to locate a point on the screen, which makes it very flexible. Regardless of ...
MouseClick [, WhichButton , X, Y, ClickCount, Speed, D|U, R] 167、鼠标滚轮:WU 向上滚动, WD 向下滚动滚轮,后续的 ClickCount 参数表示滚动滚轮的次数。ClickCount如省略,则默认点击1 次。D = 按住鼠标按键不放;U = 释放鼠标按键;R 相对移动 ...
8.1mousegetpos——获取鼠标光标的当前位置 8.2游戏中常用命令串烧(click\mouseclick\controlclick\mousemove\mouseclickdrag\send\controlsend) 8.3关于strsplit()函数的一点补充 8.4Suspend-热键、热字符串挂起 8.5【记录】关于#ClipboardTimeout命令的详细解读
Easy hotkeys enable anyone to pause or stop auto-clicking, record coordinates & clear the command list. Download Free Auto Mouse Now! 100% Free Tutorial Instructions about using our products. How to Auto Click Mouse Buttons? Don't wait. Indulge into the beauty of this awesome application ...
GetPos, x1, y1, w, h, % key x := x0 + x1 y := y0 + y1 ; MouseMove, %x%, %y% if (w <= pointsize && h <= pointsize) { Gui, Hide str := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 1, 1) if (str = "!") MouseClick, R, %x%, %y% else if(str = "+") MouseClick, L, %x%, %y%...
- Ability to set several algorithms for different hotkeys; - Create and use macros; - Select the desired location on the screen to click; - Mouse movement function without clicking: no clicks, just move . *** Attention!
Step 2 : Configure Hotkey to get Mouse Cursor Position Given below steps outline, how you can getmouse cursor positionautomatically by pressing a configurableHot Key. In case you do know the X and Y co-ordinates, you can also fill them in the Main Window of Auto Mouse Click Software Uti...