Those settings above are for Auto enrollment into Intune. So when you join Azure AD (at the OOBE or Autopilot) it will enroll into Intune, also used for other enrollments like using a GPO for Intune enrollment, or Co-management with ConfigMgr etc. Have you had a user go to Settings >... best, Oliver currently the supported way is to re-join to trigger Intune Management Extension installation via auto-enroll. The only thing ...
auto-enrollment is not supported when not used with OOBE and AADJ. But you could use an approach to guide users to MDM enrollment by sending out deep links via email for example. See here:
Trying to get group policy to deploy our domain joined PC to Auto Join Azure / Intune. We've configured GPO policy "Enable automatic enrollment using default Azure AD credentials.". We are getting the following error: Auto MDM Enroll: Device Credential (0x0), Failed (The system tried...
3) I have created an OU for machines that we want to manage and created a GP with the setting “Enable Automatic MDM enrollment using default Azure AD Credintials” enabled.So in a nutshell, I am assu...
Did you configure the Configuration Manager client agent settings for Microsoft Entra hybrid join? Did you configure auto-enrollment in your Intune tenant? Did you enable co-management in Configuration Manager?Most issues occur because one or more of these steps were not completed. If you find th...
針對Intune:已獲派原則和設定檔管理員內建 RBAC 角色的 Microsoft Entra ID 帳戶,以及想要設定的裝置所在的群組。 針對群組原則:有權建立或編輯群組原則物件的網域帳戶,以及想要設定的裝置所在的安全性群組或組織單位 (OU)。 將許可權指派給 Azure 虛擬桌面服務主體 ...
Build 1607 - MDM enrollment link is missing Bulk Import Script using Device ID's Can Azure AD registered device be enrolled with Intune by GPO? Can Intune block access to C:/ Drive? Can Intune Brick a Win...
AzureAdJoined : YES DomainName : \<on-prem Domain name> 如需詳細資訊,請參閱針對 TPM進行疑難解答。 其他相關資訊 如需疑難解答共同管理問題的詳細資訊,請參閱下列文章: 如需Intune 和 Configuration Manager 共同管理的詳細資訊,請參閱下列文章:
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