auto grave yard [n] [US]doi:10.1007/978-3-540-76435-9_740envir. urb. car salvage yard [US].KlausJürgen EvertEdward B. Ballard deceasedDavid J. ElsworthIcíar OquienaJeanMarie SchmerberRobert E. Stipe deceasedSpringer Berlin Heidelberg...
Crossject développe un mode d'injection sans aiguille innovant, ZENEO®, plateforme d'injection sans piqûre de solutions médicamenteuses
Pascual I, Avanzas P, Garcia AJ, Lopez OD, Navarro JM, et al. (2013) Implante percutaneo de la valvula autoexpandible Core Valve(R) en pacientes con estenosis aortica grave y aorta de porcelana: seguimiento a medio plazo. Rev Esp Cardiol 66: 775-781....
5.Mutação E449X no receptor β do hormônio tireoidiano associada com doença tireoidiana auto-imune e retardo neuropscicomotor grave and spring 机译:自身免疫性甲状腺疾病和严重的神经心理运动障碍相关的甲状腺激素β受体的E449X突变 GURGEL, Maria Helane Costa ,MONTENEGRO JUNIOR, Renan M....
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Phenylated compounds offer a mixture of hydroxyl and carbonyl tautomers in different proportions depending on the nature of the solvents.Maquestiau, A.Université de l‘Etat, Faculté des Sciences, Service de chimie organique, 19, avenue Maistriau 7000‐Mons (Belgique)van Haverbeke, Y....
The Auto-Slip Archim|[egrave]|de|[mdash]|A Portable Apparatus for Lifting Automobiles for Examination and RepairA French patent has been granted to E. Huchet, of Nantes, for an apparatus called the "Auto-Slip ArchimMe," which is designed to facilitate the inspection, cleaning and repa...
doi:10.1107/S0567740871001754Mornon, J.‐PRaveau, BInternational Union of CrystallographyActa Crystallographica Section BMornon, J. P., Raveau, B. (1971) Acta Cryst. B 27: pp. 95
Manejo clínico e obstétrico em gestantes portadoras de hepatite autoimune complicada pela plaquetopenia moderada ou graveAutoimmune hepatitisPregnancyThrombocytopeniaPrenatal careOBJECTIVE: To describe the management of prenatal care and delivery in patients bearing autoimmune hepatitis associated with moderate ...
Phienluphon, RungraveeShi, LeiSun, JianNiu, WenqiLu, PengZhu, PengfeiVitidsant, TharapongYoneyama, YoshiharuChen, QingjunTsubaki, NoritatsuThe Royal Society of ChemistryCatalysis Science & TechnologyRuthenium promoted cobalt catalysts prepared by an autocombustion method directly used for Fischer-...