agent.run("Draw me a picture of the sea then transform the picture to add an island")每个run()操作都是独立的,所以你可以用不同的任务连续运行几次。请注意,用户的智能体只是一个大语言模型,所以prompt中的小变化可能产生完全不同的结果。尽可能清楚地解释要执行的任务是很重要的。研究人员深入地讨论...
OwnerDrawPropertyBag 填充 PaddingConverter PageSetupDialog PaintEventArgs PaintEventHandler 陪审团 PictureBox PictureBoxSizeMode PopupEventArgs PopupEventHandler PowerLineStatus PowerState PowerStatus PreProcessControlState PreviewKeyDownEventArgs PreviewKeyDownEventHandler PrintControllerWithStatusDialog PrintDialog PrintPre...
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the outer border of a HighVisibility or Reveal focus visual for a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) FocusVisualPrimaryThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the outer border of a HighVisibility or Reveal focus visual ...
getDrawLine() lineMap = drawLine.drawOutline(lineMap) # Output : Image drawn with lines📍 Numbering()Numbering() input the color index number inside the line. Find the contours and its hierarchy. Extracts the color label, calculates the Incenter point, and input a color index number. ...
The Dynamic Sky divider algorithm recognizes and separates content in the image and replaces a specific zone with preset footage to make changes in the sky. You can drag and draw in a locked zone, add motion effects to the sky and replace the original effect, and thus create a perfect fit...
I really love this app and I really don't want to switch to a different software to draw. Please fix this asap. Because it seems to be something with the app and not my phone or storage. Report 0 Likes Message 14 of 16 Anonymous in reply to: Anonymous 02-21-2021 02:21...
OwnerDrawPropertyBag Padding PaddingConverter PageSetupDialog PaintEventArgs PaintEventHandler Panel PictureBox PictureBoxSizeMode PopupEventArgs PopupEventHandler PowerLineStatus PowerState PowerStatus PreProcessControlState PreviewKeyDownEventArgs PreviewKeyDownEventHandler PrintControllerWithStatusDialog PrintDialog PrintPr...
fa fa-picture-o tabledrawTableInsert Table fa fa-table horizontal-ruledrawHorizontalRuleInsert Horizontal Line fa fa-minus previewtogglePreviewToggle Preview fa fa-eye no-disable side-by-sidetoggleSideBySideToggle Side by Side fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile ...