此时我们可以手动的修改其度量参考值,在路由配置模式下使用auto-cost reference-bandwidth 1000来设置接口带宽缺省度量(参考值一般由设备的最大带宽决定,般与最大带宽相同)。 在RSR20、S5750A和S5750B的路由模式下都添加上一句auto-cost reference-bandwidth 1000,此时我们再次查看一下路由表: S5750B#sh ip route G...
ospf auto-cost reference-bandwidth 是用来修改默认度量值的命令.一般默认情况下就是:ospf auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100 这时100M和1G的链路上metric都是1 而如果是:ospf auto-cost reference-bandwidth 1000 这时100M是10,而1G的链路就是1.所以这题的答案就是5 ...
LKP:auto-cost reference-bandwidth 这个命令是改变OSPF的metric计算方式,缺省的值是100,代表100M/BW,因为s0接口缺省的带宽是1.544M,所以,正常计算结果是64.76,METRIC只能取整,所以是64。 但是你已经调了 auto-cost reference-bandwidth 为10000M,那么就是10000M/BW=6476。你的理解是对的,但是配置的时候注意必须在OS...
于是auto-cost reference-bandwidth就被引入了进来。它的出现通过人为的改变参照值实现可以在1000M或者更高的链路上实现OSPF 的cost值自动计算。 例如:auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000 被设定后,对于千兆链路而言,就会自动计算其cost值为cost=10000*10^6/(1000*10^6)=10;而对于10G的链路而言,也会自动的计算其...
000. Using this formula, the OSPF cost for a T1 is 65 (100,000,000/1,544,000). This number is also convenient because it causes the cost of an FDDI link or Fast Ethernet to be 1. This command allows you to modify the reference bandwidth to support interfaces that are faster than ...
If the cost style of the system is wide or wide-compatible: When auto-cost enable command is configured, Interface cost = (Bandwidth-reference/Link-bandwidth) x 10. The cost style is set by the cost-style command. The Bandwidth-reference is set by the bandwidth-reference command. The Link...
25 Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost Flags NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 D LoopBack1 OSPF 10 1 D OSPF 10 2 D OSPF 10 2 D OSPF 10 3 ...
# Create a pool; specify configurationnew_pool = batch.models.PoolAddParameter( id="autoscale-enabled-pool", virtual_machine_configuration=batchmodels.VirtualMachineConfiguration( image_reference=batchmodels.ImageReference( publisher="Canonical", offer="UbuntuServer", sku="20.04-LTS", version="latest"...
As each partition and region scale independently, this can lead to cost savings for nonuniform workloads, as unnecessary scale-ups are avoided.The entry point for autoscale maximum throughput Tmax starts at 1000 RU/s, which scales between 100 - 1000 RU/s. You can set Tmax in increments of...
This has many benefits such as memory bandwidth and energy cost for inference I suspect, however, there may be tradeoffs associated with ability of the model to handle outliers, as for any new combination of boolean set in the test data the collection will be subject to zeroinfill. Defaults ...