If you hover your mouse over the field, you can see the statistics of your SQL statements: To commit statements to the database, click the Commit button in the toolbar. To discard them, click Rollback. If no modifying statements have been made, the statistics field shows None: Clicking...
Set Auto Commit off in Java/SQL: Java: conn.setAutoCommit(false); Oracle: SET AUTOCOMMIT OFF 其中 第二个方法 被证实有效。 参考http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23953534/java-sql-sqlexception-could-not-commit-with-auto-commit-set-on-at-oracle-jdbc-d...
[WLS_REPORTS] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [REP-17273] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 709] [userId: ] [ecid: <ECID>] [APP: reports] [partition-name: DOMAIN] [tenant-name: GLOBAL] REP-17273 : java.sql.SQLException: Could not commit with auto-commit set on [[oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:...
// 默认是自动提交(auto-commit),每个SQL语句都被当作一个事务// 屏蔽auto-commit模式之后,不调用commit()方法,SQL … yxhcquedu.blog.163.com|基于192个网页 2. 自动事务提交 数据库事务也是如此。也就是说应该禁止自动事务提交(auto-commit)。 www.2cto.com|基于29个网页 ...
九' /* VARSTRING(400) meta=400 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ SET @1=3 /* INT meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ @2='郑十' /* VARSTRING(400) meta=400 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ at 8151 #230928 15:52:08 server id 461470011 end_log_pos 8182 CRC32 0xaa39d2a4 Xid = 699 COMMIT/...
Commit ConnectivityType DayOfWeek DiskConfigurationType Failover FullBackupFrequencyType IdentityType KeyVaultCredentialSettings LeastPrivilegeMode LoadBalancerConfiguration MultiSubnetIpConfiguration Operation OperationDisplay OperationListResult OperationOrigin Operations PrivateIpAddress ReadableSecondary ResourceIdentit...
DateTimeServer Stopped listening on virtual network name 'AGL'. No user action is required. DateTimespid61s State information for database 'ag2' - Hardened Lsn: '(39:28080:1)' Commit LSN: '(39:28064:2)' Commit Time:DateTime DateTimespid61s FT...
Commit ConnectivityType DayOfWeek DiskConfigurationType Failover FullBackupFrequencyType IdentityType KeyVaultCredentialSettings LeastPrivilegeMode LoadBalancerConfiguration MultiSubnetIpConfiguration Operation OperationDisplay OperationListResult OperationOrigin Operations PrivateIpAddress ReadableSecondary ResourceIdentity R...
DateTimespid42s DbMgrPartnerCommitPolicy::SetSyncAndRecoveryPoint:ID DateTimespid61s Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back in database ag2 for an Always On Availability Groups state change. Estimated rollback completion: 100%. This is an informa...
is it necessary to set auto commit to true for SELECT David Mutansan Ranch Hand Posts: 69 posted 4 years ago Using JDBC Connection, Statement, Resultset for SQL server. Do I need to do "connection.setAotiCommit(true)" if the code is just about SELECT a bunch of rows ? Paul Cl...