X64 全球頂尖 2D 與 3D CAD 設計軟體 繁體中文破解版 破解說明: 1.啟動安裝 Autodesk Autocad 2013 2.輸入安裝序號: 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545 066-6666666 3.輸入密匙: 001E1 4.完成安裝,重啟CAD。 5.點擊啟動按鈕之前 你有2個選擇: a)禁用您的網路或拔掉網線 b)點擊啟動後它會告訴...
- Design and create a CAD drawing for approval - Discuss project details and confirm requirements - Test and Approve the sample - Begin Mass production - Conduct pre-shipment inspection for quality assuranceODM | OEM Case:The following is that we have developed a se...