Burette System Repetitivity of Titration analysis 0.2% Control titration sensitive ±2mV Titration volumetric Accuracy 10ml burette: ±0.025ml; 20ml: ±0.035ml Burette Resolution 10ml burette: 1/10000; 20ml: 2/10000 Burette Supplementary Speed 55±10s (when burette is full ...
型号: AS ONE 亚速旺 1-8580-01 平面自动滴定移管 平面自動ビュレット BURETTE AUTO 详细信息 规格参数 包装 日本ASONE 全部产品分类 通用仪器/试验仪器/分析仪器 防潮箱/相关产品¦自动防潮箱¦干燥剂式防潮箱 ¦气体置换式防潮箱¦真空防潮箱ASONE通过日本国内外2500多家供应商的合作,实现了行业领先...
Introduction Zeta potential is the charge on a particle at the shear plane. This value of surface charge is useful for understanding and predicting interactions between particles in suspension. A large magnitude (either positive or negative), that is, over about 25 mV, zeta potential is generally...