"""Run the CLIPrun.py script with a given image filename Args: image_filename (str): The name of the image file Returns: str: The output of the CLIPrun.py script """ current_dir = os.getcwd() # Change dir into workspace if necessary workspace_directory = f"{visionhack}/auto_gpt...
Hi, Excellent to see SAP taking ownership of these extensions. However the extension doesn't work through corporate proxy, even though it has been added in VS code settings and windows environment variables. See output below c:\Users\Kja...
For convenience, I've packaged this into a single command that consistently reproduces the problem on my machine. If you have Docker installed, this should Just Work™️. cat<<DOCKER_EOF| docker build -t gunicorn-repro-max-requests-rst - && docker run --rm gunicorn-repro-max-requests-...