Finding Love with Autism byadmin by Daniel Antonsson In my teenage years, I was a cautious boy. Girls seemed like they came from another planet and I had no… Read More #ActuallyAutistic Perspective,AdvocacyApril 1, 2020 Autism Acceptance is not only about April ...
With this in mind, I ran a survey which intended to establish current attitudes towards a variety of autism-related issues, gathering opinions and experiences from a wide range of people – autistic people, parents/caregivers of autistic relatives, professionals working with autistic clients, and th...
#ActuallyAutistic Perspective,Autism - GeneralJuly 9, 2024 Growing up with Autism byadmin by Daniel Antonsson When I was a child, I never walked around and thought that I was different. I was just me and people… Read More #ActuallyAutistic Perspective,Autism - General,Mental HealthJune 4,...
Autism spectrum disorder (hereafter autism) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by early-onset social communication difficulties and repetitive, stereotyped behaviors. The estimated prevalence rate of autism is approximately 1% worldwide [1], with a higher prevalence among males than females [2...
As people with autism grow up, they face unique challenges. They find it difficult to deal with mental health issues. There is a big gap in understanding how pretending to fit in (known as social camouflage), cultural beliefs, ...
semantic tasks when matching pictures to words, rather than words to words52. Overall, superior performance in visuo-spatial tasks suggests the ability to form, access and manipulate visual mental representations may be more developed in autistic people50. The notion that autism is associated with ...
Other features of autism, including lower sensitivity to social norms [74] together with reduced access to sexual and romantic partners experienced by many autistic people [22, 25], have also been proposed to reduce the relevance of birth sex when choosing or responding to potential partners [75...
Slow echo: facial EMG evidence for the delay of spontaneous, but not voluntary, emotional mimicry in children with autism spectrum disorders. Spontaneous mimicry, including that of emotional facial expressions, is important for socio-emotional skills such as empathy and communication. Those skill... ...· 8 Jan Autistic & ND people "often face unique challenges in a world primarily designed for neurotypicals, leading to increased trauma risk. In addition, trauma can affect the brain—possibly more significantly in those with unique brain wiring." @JHMarbl...
People change when they know you have autism “I always notice a change in how people talk to me after I have just given a speech on my autism. Some then do not approach me to ask questions as they feel it might be too much for me. Best way to deal with this is to...