A2 I’d like more research and ensuing documentation of Autistics’ atypical or paradoxical reactions to medications. More bluntly put, I find what I called the “medication mambo” a horrible trial for our family every time we have to do it to help our autistic son.#AUTINSAR — Carol Gree...
I used to follow the blog of a woman who filmed her son’s rages. Now that I’m dealing with the same, I am so glad she put his struggles out there, because she shared tools that greatly helped my son. I wish the term autism wasn’t so broad. Your autism is NOTHING like my so...
while implicit empathy is typically considered to be a more automatic occurrence outside of the conscious awareness14. Furthermore, it has been suggested that top-down attention may play an important role in ASD individuals’ explicit and implicit empathic responses ...
Dr. Smith emphasized the importance of maintaining a balance between academic pressure and personal wel-being. He highlighted the significance of self-care practices such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and mindfulness techni...
From the perspective of a parent of a child who has High Function Autism, I believe that you described these wonderfully. I very often find myself describing the way my son perceives things (based on his observations). It is amazing to me that so many people do not understand what Autism...
recent research suggests that the school environment is particularly challenging for young people with autism spectrum disorder, where many of them experience bullying from typically developing peers, leading to poor academic performance, low self-esteem, and mental health difficulties (Hodges et al.,202...
Raising autistic children can be challenging, and the current meta-synthesis explores the stress and challenges the parents encounter across life domains.
Crompton et al., 2020), mentoring might be one way to achieve this goal (Son & Kim, 2013; St-Jean & Mathieu, 2015). Limitations This research is not without its limitations. First, this study examined the experiences of a small and selective sample of autistic performing arts professionals...
I thought of myself as weird and strange … just odd … I used to beat myself up a lot about the things that I failed to do. Because obviously it’s my fault because I should know … I am clever enough … obviously it’s because I’m not making an effort … I am too lazy …...
The evaluation of excessive videogame use in young adults appears to be particularly relevant in light of its association with lower academic results, self-esteem, and life satisfaction, as well as higher school dropout [40,41]. On the other hand, hikikomori has been defined as a form of ...