Results were encouraging, as improvement was demonstrated on a number of outcome measures. Teens in the treatment group demonstrated improved knowledge of rules of social etiquette relevant to making and keeping friends. They and their parents also reported a significant increase in the frequency of h...
Autistic Kids Have Good Friends in Naperville
"The feedback we received from the participants was that they enjoyed making friends, meeting new people and communicating with others. Social communication is one of the areas where autistic people typically face challenges so this suggests that gaming could be used as another therapy option." The...
A piece of old research I wish parents knew about is that kids on the spectrum are often more comfortable with playmates chronologically younger than themselves. That does make sense, if you look at the spectrum as a developmental delay relative to the mythic norms. Delay does not me...
Rain Reign: “Not everyone understands Rose’s obsessions, her rules, and the other things that make her different – not her teachers, not other kids, and not her single father.” Sounds good, no? Oh, and she also perseverates on things!
race events and other things in my community. I really enjoy being a member of Allied Health because it gives me self-confidence and a look in the medical field, which looks very interesting. My counselors believe I am confident in communicating on my own and making new friends by myself....
“We didn’t do birthday parties”, ha!). Did I come across as bossy or controlling when playing with other kids (my mum ran into my nursery teacher a few days before the interview, and even she remembered how much I enjoyed “playing teacher”. I was in nursery school in 1981). ...
Amazon Fire HD 7 Kids Edition 1/16 GB -eBay Link Conclusion for Autistic Child Tablet Buyers Autism induces difficulty in a child's ability to learn and socialize. And this is where thebest tablet for autistic childcan aid in making things easier for both the children and their parents. ...
Text with another parent of autistic kids you’re friends with. Grab lunch with a friend and vent about life. Get a babysitter and plan a date night with your spouse. With any of those suggestions, please make sure your child is out of earshot and that you’re talking to someone safe...
Bullying and Abuse:While children with higher support needs can certainly be the victims of bullying, autistic kids withlow support needsare very vulnerable. Bullies tend to pick on people who have fewer friends, behave oddly, or are unable to defend themselves effectively. Autistic kids often fit...