Early identification is crucial for children with autism. However, many children are diagnosed later due to the lack of specific assessment tools in primary care settings. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the STAT in screening autism across different age groups while assessing its adv...
"ADEC is an easy-to-use tool, requiring limited additional training, providing a cost-effective way to identify children who may have a high likelihood of developing autism," says Professor Robyn Young from the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work. "While many tools have been devel...
screeningThe routine use of screening tools at young ages has the potential to improve outcomes for young children with autism by expediting their diagnosis as well as their referral to appropriately specialized interventions. The selection of screening tools should be based on both the type of ...
Early identification is crucial for children with autism. However, many children are diagnosed later due to the lack of specific assessment tools in primary care settings. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the STAT in screening autism across different age groups while assessing its ...
A group of researchers, led by Professor Bhismadev Chakrabarti at the University of Reading, have been awarded a £585,000 grant from the Medical Research Council UK to develop low cost, scalable tools to screen children in India for signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). ...
The routine use of screening tools at young ages has the potential to improve outcomes for young children with autism by expediting their diagnosis as well as their referral to appropriately specialized interventions. The selection of screening tools should be based on both the type of setting in ...
Research has found an early screening tool for autism developed by La Trobe University, Australia, researchers – and already used across eleven countries. SACS-R and SACS-Preschool Screening Tools Published inJAMA Open, the five-year study of over 13,500 Victorian children found the...
The aim of this article is to review five validated screening tools that hold promise for identifying at‐risk school‐age children in need of a more in‐depth diagnostic assessment.doi:10.1080/08856257.2010.492928Lee A. WilkinsonRoutledgeEuropean Journal of Special Needs Education...
Autism with low support needs can behard to diagnosein anyone. But since children typically have several grown-ups monitoring them (caregivers, teachers, coaches, healthcare practitioners, and so on), getting to the point where an evaluation is actually done may be harder for autistic adults. ...
Methods: Children were first screened with a broadband parent-report surveillance checklist, the Infant-Toddler Checklist (ITC), through healthcare providers between 9 and 18 months of age. Two autism-specific screening tools were used for children with a positive broadband screen— the Early ...