Vent with your friends or psychologist please. Most of us are desperate first time parents especially with our child dealing with life time difficultly. And we as parents are to help them grow. Research, we all do. What to believe is another thing. Parents and caretakers don’t give up. ...
Beta HCG, and they claim that this is insignificant. To me this could not be insignificant because it can produce anti-HCG. At the moment there is a presence of HCG in the vaccine.
Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), or Asperger's) by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or developmental pediatrician. 2. Verification of diagnosis by ASU staff based on the ADOS and/or CARS-2. 3. Age of 2.5–60 years....
At the next step, a well-trained and experienced psychologist, with certification for implementing the Wechsler test in ASD people and who is currently active in the implementation of the test, conducted it in a quiet room with proper light and temperature. This person was not informed about ...