Crabtree, L. and Demchick, B. B. (2018).Occupational therapy’s role with autism. American Occupational Therapy Association. ... (2013). Canadian Paediatric Society. Standards of diagnostic assessment for autism spectrum disorder. (2019). Schaefer, G. B. & Mendelsohn, N. J...
Autism fact sheet Definition Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition characterized by • Differences in social communication and interaction • Repetitive or restrictive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities • Additional traits include lack of coordination, motor plan...
Fact sheet on gender: key facts, impact on health, gender equality in health and WHO response: World Health Organization; 2015. Available from: Cited 2018 Jul 26. Brown L. Identity-First Language: Autistic Self Advocacy Network; 2011...
Studies examining relationships between neurotypical and autistic siblings have reported inconsistent findings when focussing on children and adolescents,
of autism can be made reliably in two-year-olds by professionals experienced in the diagnostic assessment of young children" with autistic disorders. Early diagnosis is crucial because education is the primary form of treatment, and the earlier it starts, the better."Autism and PDD: Fact Sheet....
National Institution of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Autism Fact Sheet. Retrieved April 1,2015. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC estimates 1 in 68 children has been identifies with autism spectrum disorder. Retrieved Apr...
Available at (Accessed on 1 October 2015).3. Goodman, R (2005) SDQ. Available at (Accessed on 1 October 2015).4. Malow, B.A., et al. (... ASD replaced a prior definition of autism in DSM-IV, which distinguished between Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome (which designated “higher” functioning autistics), PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) and PDD-NOS (a...
Autism spectrum disorders fact sheet. National Institutes of Health. 2019. Accessed 26 Apr 2020 Bang MR, Lee SH, Cho SH, et al. Herbal medicine treatment for children with autism ...